Graffiti is a complex issue that can have negative consequences in the community, including social and economic impacts. In 2020, Council staff removed graffiti from (but not limited to) - buildings, bus stops, roads/pathways, road signs, park furniture, bridges and piers. Only a fraction of graffiti cases are removed by Council each year, the cost to Council and the community to remove all of the graffiti across the Fraser Coast would be unmanageable. Therefore, How can we work together as a community to prevent, deter, report and remove graffiti?
Council has started drafting a Graffiti Management and Murals Policy – and is asking the community for their help in providing their ideas and having their say on graffiti management on the Fraser Coast.
In late 2020 Council resolved to direct the Chief Executive Officer to prepare a Graffiti Management Policy and Implementation Strategy for Council consideration.
Over recent months, Council and staff have been discussing graffiti - removal, reporting and prevention strategies - in preparation of drafting the policy. Some of the strategies include, murals as a prevention strategy and free/ to low cost community cleaning kits for removal of graffiti.
The draft objectives include:

Council also wants to include education components to inform the wider community on how to manage and address graffiti issues.