Design-a-Bookmark Competition 2022

People's Choice

Voting is now CLOSED.for the Design-a-Bookmark Competition 'People's Choice'.

Annually, a Design-a-bookmark Competition is held for all Fraser Coast Library members giving an opportunity to express their creative side and have a chance to win a $50 voucher.

This year, the winning People's Choice bookmark wasprinted, along with our age category winners. All five bookmarks areavailable for free at each Fraser Coast Library.

Voting closedSunday 24 April 2022 at 11:55pm.

To keep up to date with projects Council is working on, register on the Engagement Hub today!

Select from the categories below to view ALL entries prior to voting

ONLY ONE VOTE ACROSS ALL AGE CATEGORIES IS PERMITTED, so please view all age categories before voting. Once you have voted, you will not be able to view the poll.

 After you have browsed all categories and selected ONE as your favourite bookmark design, go to the age bracket you wish to vote in, click on the round 'select'; button and then scroll to the "VOTE" button at the end. Only one vote for the entire competition (all age brackets) is permitted. This poll closes at 11:55 pm on Sunday 24 April 2022.