Regulations governing areas of Hervey Bay beaches where dogs are permitted off-leash, on-leash and not permitted are currently being reviewed by Council. Recent community interest evident on Facebook comments and a community petition, indicates that residents are advocating for an expansion of beaches areas which permit dogs off-leash, times allowed, an increase in beaches where dogs are allowed on-leash, and an increase in areas where dogs are prohibited.
Council has directed the Regulatory team to undertake community engagement to establish the appetite of the community for any changes in off-leash/on leash beach areas and times, and an increase in dog-prohibited areas. This engagement project aims to clarify the reasoning behind dogs-on-beaches regulations, and any changes to be made in a transparent and inclusive manner.
There may need to be a minor amendment to the local law relating the piers and jetties to clarify whether dogs are permitted on or around these structures.
Current regulations:

Proposed amendments summary:

Details of proposed amendments:
Proposed Amendment Part 1: Abolish restricted timing for off-leash beach areas at Pialba and Urangan, and make them 24-hours dog off-leash accessible. Currently dogs are allowed in these areas from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm on-leash, and from 3:00 pm to 8:00 am off-leash:
- On the foreshore from Taylor St to Zephyr St
- On the foreshore from Urangan Pier to Dayman Park
- On the foreshore from Boat Harbour Drive to Pulgul Creek.
The proposed change is to make these areas all 24-hour off-leash. This will provide more options for dog owners and ease crowding at Shelly Beach.
The proposal also seeks to extend the 24-hour off-leash area to include Zephry St to the Scarness Jetty, and Dayman Park foreshore area from the Aquarium to the rock wall.

Proposed Amendment Part 2: Amend beach and foreshore areas from Scarness Jetty to the sailing club for on-leash access. Currently, dogs are prohibited on the foreshore from Scarness Jetty to the Hervey Bay Surf Life Saving Club in Torquay. The proposed change will provide an option for dog owners at Scarness Beach, while still ensuring a dog-free zone in the popular swimming areas at Torquay.

Proposed Amendment Part 3: Amend the area where dogs are prohibited to be from the Hervey Bay Sailing Club to Robert Street beach access. Currently, the dog-free zone ends at Mack Road (near the Surf Life Saving Club). This extension will include the popular swimming area to the east of the Hervey Bay Surf Life Saving Club.

Signage: it is hoped these proposed changes will make it easier for Council to place signage indicating which zones beach-goers are in.