Naming Maria Creek Pedestrian Bridge

Project Overview

In response to a submission received from a member of the Howard community to name the pedestrian bridge that crosses Maria Creek in Howard "Stoon (Stan) and Olive (Ollie) Thorburn Pedestrian Bridge", Council at its Meeting held on 28 October, 2020, resolved to direct the Chief Executive Officer to undertake community consultation to identify a possible name for the bridge.

Stoon (Stan) Thorburn and his wife Olive (Ollie) moved to Howard in the 1950s.  Soon after moving to the area Stoon constructed two pedestrian bridge crossings over Maria Creek to provide safe passage separate from the two narrow vehicular bridges on Steley Street and Williams Street.

Stoon continued to maintain these structures and creek surrounds for the following 30 years, in consultation with Council and the local fire warden.  Stoon performed repairs when flood waters caused damage to the bridges and kept Council informed of any required maintenance of the stormwater system.

Please note the survey has now closed (12/3/21) - Council is now reviewing the community's feedback and will compile a report to go to Council in the next couple of months. Council will update stakeholders once the report has gone to Council.

Stoon and Ollie Thorburn Pedestrian Bridge

Council resolved to name the Maria Creek pedestrian bridge after Stoon and Ollie at the April General Meeting 2021.

The bridge will be formally named the "Stoon and Ollie Thorburn Pedestrian Bridge". 

Thank you to everyone who provided their feedback during the consultation process.

(The media release can be downloaded from the Document Library).