If you only have a few minutes
Your thoughts on transport of you don't ahve time for a longer survey
Please give us a name we can refer to you by.
What is your connection to the Fraser Coast? (Please select the most appropriate answer)
What is your postcode? (Please select the most appropriate)
The Fraser Coast region population is rapidly expanding and this is planned to continue. Do you think the current transport system can support this growth?
What are the biggest transport issues in the area?
What is the most important to you in your future transport network? (Please select the most important option)
Please rank your transport priorities for the future. Please move options in order of decreasing importance to you.
(This is a required question. If you don't change anything, the current order will be submitted as your answer.)
Where do you think are the current transport problems for commuters, freight, public transport and active transport?
What transport changes need to occur over the next 25 years to maintain your preferred lifestyle and accessibility?
How would you like to be kept informed about this study and other transport projects in the future? (Please select up to two preferred options)
If you have 20-25 minutes, we'd love hear more from you.
We want to understand what drives your transport trips and how we can better service those transport trips. Where we work/shop/socialise, what transport services we have nearby; the quality of the transport network; how many transport modes we use and how does our knowledge of the transport network influence how we travel? These questions are designed to understand what makes you travel and how you travel.
How many people in your household are over 18 years of age?
How many people in your household are under 18 years of age?
Rate your household income
What best describes employment in your household? (Select up to two options)
What industry employs people in your household? (Please select as many as are appropriate)
Where is employment in your house located? (Please select as many as are appropriate)
How much time do you spend travelling each week by any mode of transport (walking, public transport, driving)? (Please select the most appropriate option)
How many licensed drivers in your house? (Please select the most appropriate)
How many people in your household need assistance to travel because of mobility issues or age?
What are the reasons for needing assistance to travel? (Select as many as area appropriate)
Do you regularly do a school drop off and/or pick up by car?
Is your household school transport by public or active transport?
How likely would you be to use a dedicated school transport service? (Lowest = 1 star Highest = 4 stars)
How many cars are in your household?
Are any of the cars electric or hybrid?
How often do you use these cars?
How many motorcycles in your household?
How often do you use these motorcycles?
How many bicycles in your household?
Are any of the bicycles electric?
How often do you use these bicycles?
How many mobility devices (e.g. e-scooters) in your household?
How many boats in your household?
Does anyone in your household use public transport on a regular basis?
How many people in your household walk for travel purposes other than exercise on a regular basis (e.g. shopping or work)?
How frequently do you walk for non-recreation purposes?
How frequently do you use active transport infrastructure (footpaths, cycleways or shared paths)?
How many people in your household walk, run or ride for recreation using footpaths and cycleways?
Do you think this recreational use of transport will change in the future?
Please rank your most frequently used transport modes. (Move options from most important to least important)
Please rank your preferred future transport modes? (Move options from most important to least important)
What would need to happen for you to use more public transport or active transport more for both recreation and work/shopping/school? (Please select all appropriate)
How frequently do you use an Uber (or other rideshare), bus or taxi?
Why do you use an Uber (or other rideshare), bus or taxi? (Please select all appropriate)
Do you work from home?
Does your job require you to make lots of trips across the day (e.g. tradesman, delivery)?
How many deliveries re made to your house a week (parcel post, groceries etc)?
What are your biggest issues when travelling around the Fraser Coast? (Please seelct all appropriate)
Have you attended any of the following venue(s) for a "big event" on the Fraser Coast in the last 12 months? (Please select all appropriate)
How many times a year do you attend an event?
How could transport to Fraser Coast "big event" locations be improved?
How does transport perform between small rural communities and the urban centres of Maryborough and Hervey Bay?
Do you have any thoughts on transport to the hospitals and airports?
Is there anything you would like to tell us about your travel this week?
Would you be interested in participating in a virtual or face to face workshop or interview to contribute your ideas for the future of the Fraser Coast transport network?
If yes, please contact 1300 335 625 and select Option 3 at the prompt