Building Better Neighbourhoods


The Building Better Neighbourhoods document identifies the projects and planning scheme amendments Council will be undertaking to future proof our region for the next 20 years to help protect what makes the Fraser Coast an attractive destination and harness the opportunities for innovation and improvements for residents, businesses and visitors. 

The Planning Scheme Review project ensures that our planning scheme is relevant and ensures that new development in the Fraser Coast achieves the vision and expectations of our community.

There is also a statutory requirement to review the planning scheme every 10 years.

Some of the benefits of the review include:

  • Ensuring planning requirements are as streamlined as possible;
  • Reducing the complexity of the planning scheme, and;
  • Identifying opportunities for economic growth, environmental protection or improving social outcomes.

Some of the benefits at the end of the process may include:

  • Streamlining planning requirements;
  • Reducing the complexity of the planning scheme, and;
  • Identifying opportunities for economic growth, protecting environmental values or improving social outcomes.

The Fraser Coast Planning Scheme 2014 (planning scheme) manages and regulates growth and development in our region. 

The planning scheme sets out requirements for new development, providing a “rule book” guiding types of development and core infrastructure.

Planning schemes take a long-term view to appropriately balance economic, environmental and social matters in the best interests of the community. 

You can access the planning scheme from Council’s website at:

Hard copies and PDF copies of the Fraser Coast Planning Scheme are available on USB or CD and can be purchase at the Hervey Bay and Maryborough Customer Service Centres.

The review will assess whether the planning scheme is meeting the economic, environmental and social needs of the region. 

It is also a legislative requirement under the Planning Act 2016, which requires a full review of planning schemes every 10 years. 

You can stay up-to-date with the project by registering your interest on Council’s Engagement Hub (Planning Scheme Review project page).

There will be additional bodies of work undertaken for Stage 3 of the project, which may include community consultation opportunities for these projects (depending on the nature of the project).

Additionally, formal public consultation will be undertaken as part of a future stage 4 of the project.

The last time Council undertook a Planning Scheme Review was to create the current planning scheme, which was adopted in 2014. Since this time, it has been updated ten times to deal with various targeted policy changes and community needs. This project will review planning scheme in its entirety.

Yes, as it is a statutory requirement to review the planning scheme every 10 years. Toowoomba Regional Council, Ipswich City Council and Tablelands Regional Council have recently completed, or are in the process of reviewing their planning schemes.