Transport infrastructure planning in the Fraser Coast Local Government Area (LGA) is shared between the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) and the Fraser Coast Regional Council (Council).
In response to growing demands on the Fraser Coast's urban transport network, Council and TMR have partnered to identify and address issues and needs of the Fraser Coast's existing transport network.
Community feedback will help to develop a key transport and land use planning resource, the Fraser Coast Integrated Transport Strategy (the strategy). This community engagement process will inform a whole-of-system, integrated transport and land use strategy and investigate opportunities to improve accessibility and mobility in and around the Fraser Coast local government area (LGA) toforecast, plan and prioritise transport initiatives over the next 25 years.
Have your say to help us develop a strategy to provide a more accessible and responsive transport network covering all modes of tranpsort including air, rail and road for general, freight, active and passenger vehicles, improving capacity and accessibility of the Fraser Coast transport network out to 2050. This survey closes on Friday 18 April 2025 at 5:00 pm.