Hervey Bay Community Hub

Project Stages - Update

  • Place Design Group appointed to develop Hervey Bay City Centre Public Realm Strategy

    As part of the implementation of the Hervey Bay City Centre Master Plan, a public realm and place-making strategy is to be developed to provide a vision for public spaces and to establish areas to enhance and activate the new city centre.

    Place Design Group (PDG) has been selected to develop the strategy and to undertake the stakeholder engagement to inform the strategy, with the assistance of the Council’s community engagement team.

    Aspects of the project include establishing areas defined as public realm, streetscape improvements, network planning for active travel and public transport, connectivity, programs for temporary pop-up interventions to challenge and change driver behaviour, embedded cultural and learning functions, crime prevention, and an implementation plan.

    The final public realm and place-making strategy is anticipated to be delivered in the first half of 2023.