Works in Adelaide Street are now complete. Council encourages residents and visitors to visit the area and continue to support the local businesses located in Adelaide Street.
Eastern Side
• Completion of installation of Stratavault systems;
• Commencement of works on sub-base materials;
• Commencement of exposed footpath construction – works against existing kerb will be completed this week from the Central Hotel towards Big Bold Fashions.
Adelaide Street will be closed to through traffic during night time works. Daytime traffic will be reduced to one way traffic headed in a north bound direction.
Driveway crossover works continue this week with the commencement of hand poured kerbs. Footpath works will following these works.
Works continue on western side of Adelaide St with kerb and channel works being completed this week and footpath installation commencing next week. Due to gravel and concrete plants not being open at night, these works are being undertaken during the hours of 4.00 a.m. to 12 noon with some interruptions to traffic for delivery of materials
Works continue on western side
Works continue on the western side of Adelaide Street with the following works and staging planned for the next week (weather dependant) for this project:-
Western Side
Adelaide Street will be closed to through traffic during night time works. Daytime traffic will be reduced to one way traffic headed in a south bound direction i.e. one way traffic for traffic travelling from Ellena to Alice Streets during the Stage 1 day time works (western side).
Update of current status of works
Works on this project will commence on Sunday 22 November 2020 (6.00 p.m). To allow for a safe working space, traffic in Adelaide Street (from Ellena to Alice Street) will be one way in a southerly direction from Ellena Street during day time hours. A full closure with detour will be in place during night works.
Council thanks everyone in advance for their patience and understanding while this important work is carried out.