Maryborough Revitalisation

Latest News

  • Update - Maryborough CBD Revitalisation Project - Stage 2 - Kent Street (Lennox Street to Adelaide Street) and Maryborough Administration Centre and Toy Library Demolition

    Maryborough CBD Revitalisation Project

    Northern Side

    • Finalisation of construction of footpath.

    Southern Side

    • Continuation of City Hall Brick Retaining Wall excluding rendered capping blocks;
    • Removal of footpath;
    • Installation of stormwater pipes and electrical assets;
    • Subgrade preparation.

    Traffic arrangements relating to this project will remain unchanged with Kent Street open to one way traffic flow in an easterly direction (Lennox to Adelaide Sts) during the day with a full road closure from 6.00 p.m. to 6.00 a.m. applying during night time works. There will be a mixture of day/night works for the next two weeks for this project.


    Maryborough Administration Centre and Toy Library Demolition

    The tender has been awarded for the demolition of the former Council administration building in Maryborough. Works will start on Monday, 2 March and are due to be completed by the end of May.

    The building that housed the Maryborough Toy and Special Needs Library will also be demolished. The staff and toys have now been relocated to within the Maryborough Library.

    It’s pleasing that the relocation of the toy library has been embraced by the community with toy loans rising from an average of 46 per week to 75 a week since the move.

    A car parking area behind the old administration building will be barricaded off from Thursday 27 February, for the demolition period, and there will be no access to Kent Street or Adelaide Street via the fenced work area (see attached Map).

    Council has insisted on a number of measures to minimise the impact of the building demolition work on the community, including no use of large hydraulic jack hammers, air quality monitoring and traffic control.

    Should you wish to discuss any aspect of the Maryborough Administration Centre and Toy Library Demolition project please contact:-

    Corporate Projects Team: 1300 79 49 29 or via email