July-August 2020
If available, would you support a paid waste and recycling service in your area?
Council is seeking public comment on whether residents in the Owanyilla area and other Fraser Coast property owners, outside the current defined waste collection service, wish to receive a paid waste and recycling service.
Owanyilla Waste Service
A petition was tabled by Cr Phil Truscott at the July Council meeting, from residents within the Owanyilla area, requesting a waste service to commence. Council resolved to undertake consultation with the residents in the area to determine the level of support for a paid waste and recycling service. As the current route for the waste collection service contract drives past the Owanyilla area, if the majority of residents determine they would like to receive a waste service the service could start by the end of the year. Please note the section below on how your fees and charges would change and what services would be included.
Please note if a kerbside collection service is established in Owanyilla, property owners will no longer be eligible for waste disposal vouchers and the mandatory service charge will apply to all eligible property owners within the expanded waste collection area.
Take the survey below!
Other Areas – Waste Services for New Collection Contract 2022
Council is also taking this opportunity to ask other Fraser Coast property owners, outside the current defined waste collection area, to express their interest in the possibility of receiving a paid waste and recycling service. These expressions of interest will be considered in the preparation for the new collection contract which is due to start in 2022. Please note the section below on how your fees and charges would potentially change and what services would be included.
It is important to note that if a kerbside collection service is added property owners will no longer be eligible for waste disposal vouchers and the mandatory service charge will apply to all eligible property owners within the expanded waste collection area. Further engagement will be undertaken closer to the time of the new contract – this engagement is only to identify expressions of interest in preparation for the new contract.
Fill out the submission form below!
What do I need to know?
What do I pay now as a resident outside the waste collection area?
Currently a resident who lives outside the defined waste collection area pays the following fees and charges:
- $105.00 Waste Management fee per annum (2020/2021 fees and charges)
These fees entitle the resident to the following services:
- Residents can manage their own waste
- Residents are eligible for up to 24 waste vouchers which allows them to dispose of the equivalent of one standard wheelie bin 240L per voucher
How will my fees and charges change if I have a paid waste and recycling collection service?
Residents would pay the following fees for a waste collection service:
- $355.20 per annum – which equals an additional $250.20 per annum (2020/2021 fees and charges)
These fees would entitle the resident to the following services:
- Residents would receive a weekly waste and fortnightly recycle bin service (bins included)
- Replacement bins at no extra charge
- Bins will need to be placed kerbside of the property on the designated service day
- Residents would have the opportunity to request an additional service, for a small fee, at the busier times of the year (i.e Christmas)