Coastal Futures: Planning Our Changing Coastline

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  • November engagement participation update

    November's community workshops for Coastal Futures: Planning Our Changing Coastline are completed.

    The Coastal Futures project team has been engaging through the month of November with internal Council Departmental staff, various community, sporting, business, industry and environmental representative groups and broader community members on hazard mapping work to date, outcomes of recent the Values Survey and also introduced to Phase 5's Risk Assessment Framework and future steps.

    Engagement participants were engaged through a series of workshops and forums to consider outcomes of what the broader community valued along our coastline with the context of identified coastal hazards risk and their consequences. A small discussion activity was set to:

    • identify tangible and intangible assets across the coastline region;
    • identify what coastal hazards the asset was susceptible to; and
    • what the social/cultural, environmental or economic consequences may be if that hazard was to occur.

    Council and the rest of the project team thanks all participants for their valuable input and discussions for this period of community engagement.

    To be involved with future Coastal Futures community engagement, be sure to register for future project updates and keep an eye on the What’s On tab for future engagement opportunities and events.