Coastal Futures: Planning Our Changing Coastline

Project Overview

At its meeting on 25 August 2021, Council adopted the Coastal Futures Strategy, a Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy for our region. The Coastal Futures Strategy (the Strategy) investigates the impacts of current and future coastal hazards and provides an adaptation plan for response to coastal hazards.

The Strategy is about building our resilience to coastal hazards to ensure we are better prepared for the impacts of coastal hazards such as erosion, storm tide inundation and permanent inundation due to sea level rise.


The Strategy was developed in accordance with the State Government's QCoast2100 program and has been a collaborative effort with the community, who have shared their experiences and knowledge to help us understand what is important and how we should plan to adapt to coastal changes.

The Strategy is an important means of guiding change, informing decision making and prioritising actions across the organisation to respond to current and future coastal hazard risks. It also provides information on the implementation of actions to support delivery of the Strategy by identifying priority actions, timing and staging delivery tools, roles and responsibilities, funding and establish monitoring and review processes.

The ‘Regional Action Plan’ in the strategy includes a range of recommended actions such as:

  • Educating and informing local communities about coastal hazard resilience;
  • Coastal monitoring programs and erosion studies;
  • Improved dune and foreshore management;
  • Updating the planning scheme, disaster management plan and Council’s Operational Plans to take into account coastal hazard mapping and
  • Maintaining existing seawalls, groynes and other structures which protect public areas.

The ‘Local Adaptation Pathways’ within the strategy acknowledge that each locality on the Fraser Coast is unique and highlights key assets in each locality along with adaptation options that could be considered.

Council will now finalise preparation of an implementation plan to progress the actions over the short, medium and long term (present day, 2050 and 2100).Community feedback has been vital in developing the strategy.

Media Release - 3 September 2021

Council adopts new strategy for our changing coastline.

Have your say on how to adapt to our changing coastline

Fraser Coast residents are being urged to have their say on a new strategy for how our community can adapt to our changing coastline.

  • Phase 1

    Plan for life-of-project stakeholder communication and engagement

  • Phase 2

    Scope coastal hazard issues for the area of interest

  • Phase 3

    Identify areas exposed to current and future coastal hazards

  • Phase 4

    Identify key assets potentially impacted

  • Phase 5

    Undertake a risk assessment of key assets in coastal hazard areas

  • Phase 6

    Identify potential adaptation options

  • Phase 7

    Socio-economic appraisal of adaptation options

  • Phase 8

    Strategy development, implementation and review

The Coastal Futures Strategy has been predominantly funded by the Queensland Government and Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) QCoast2100 Program. In addition to funding, the program provides the methodology for Queensland Coastal Councils to prepare a Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy outlined in the Minimum Standards and Guidelines for Queensland (LGAQ & DEHP, 2016).

For more information about the QCoast2100program, including the minimum standards and guidelines, please refer to the QCoast website here
The process involved 8 phases of work, grouped by three key themes. They included: