Hervey Bay Character Study


Character can be defined as buildings which display architectural characteristics of a particular era, especially intact patterns and streetscapes that contain these buildings. It can also be a neighbourhood or precinct where the relationships between various elements (building era or types and landscape) come together to make that area distinctive and contributes to the identity of the place.

Areas, sites or buildings that have been identified as having a specific character are captured in the Neighbourhood Character Overlay of our Planning Scheme mapping, https://mapping.frasercoast.qld.gov.au/maps/?project=Planning&module=OM-009%20Heritage%20Neighbourhood with development requirements outlined in the Neighbourhood Character Overlay Code. https://eplan.frasercoast.qld.gov.au/Modules/EPlan/EPlanViewer.aspx#


Generally, the housing types recognised as displaying character are from the Victorian, Federation and Interwar years, but there is an emerging appreciation for post-war architecture and coastal style and their contribution in reflecting the historic evolution of a locality. Adding sites to the character overlay, with supporting Code requirements, is one way to shape desired outcomes, in a legislative framework.

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If you have already registered - simply login to participate. If you wish to be included in project updates, please update your preferences by following this link: https://frasercoast.engagementhub.com.au/user  (choose Hervey Bay Character Study).