Maryborough Revitalisation

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  • Commencement of Maryborough CBD Revitalisation Project - Stage 2 - Kent Street (Lennox Street to Adelaide Street)

    Stage 2 works for the Maryborough CBD Revitalisation Project in Kent Street from Lennox Street to Adelaide Street will commence on Sunday, 12 January 2020 at 6.00 p.m.

    The following works and staging is planned for the first two weeks of this 17 week construction project:-

    Northern Side

    • Works will commence at the Adelaide Street end of the footpath on the northern side of Kent Street (i.e. in the vicinity of the Westpac Bank);
    • Clearing and grubbing works, including removal of the kerb and channel;
    • Removal of the footpath;
    • Commencement of the installation of stormwater pipes and electrical assets.

    Southern Side

    • Support and Demolition of City Hall Retaining Wall and set up of Tree Protection Zones;
    • Excavation and placement of retaining wall footing.

    The Traffic Guidance Schemes (TGS’s) for vehicular and pedestrian traffic relating to completion of the project is attached. As indicated in the attached TGS’s, Kent Street will be open to one way traffic flow in an easterly direction (Lennox to Adelaide Sts) during the day with a full road closure from 6.00 p.m. to 6.00 a.m. applying during the night time works.

    Council thanks businesses and residents for their co-operation and understanding during the completion of these works.