Coastal Futures: Planning Our Changing Coastline

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  • Media Release - 3 September 2021

    Fraser Coast Regional Council has adopted a new strategy dealing with how our community can adapt to our changing coastline.

    Cr Zane O’Keefe said the Coastal Futures: Planning our Changing Coastline strategy outlined actions that Council and the community could take to plan for the future of our coastal areas.

    “Our coastline is an integral part of our Fraser Coast identity and lifestyle. Whether we live on the coast, work in a coastal town, or escape to our beautiful beaches and water for a break, our coast is part of who we are,” he said.

    “This strategy is about planning for the future and the changes that will happen along our coastlines.

    “It’s about building our resilience and ensuring we are better prepared for the impacts of hazards such as erosion, storm tide inundation and permanent inundation due to sea level rises.

    “The strategy has been informed by the best available science and has been a collaborative effort with the community, who have shared their experiences and knowledge and helped us understand what is important and how we should plan to adapt to coastal changes.”

    Cr Daniel Sanderson said the strategy included regional actions that would benefit our entire coastline as well as ten ‘local adaptation pathways’ tailored for specific coastal localities.

    “From Burrum Heads in the north, Tinnanbar in the south, and all coastal areas in between, this strategy will help us better prepare for the impacts of coastal hazards on our communities, environment, infrastructure, cultural heritage, liveability and services,” he said.

    “With Council now officially adopting the strategy, an implementation plan will be developed to progress the actions over the short, medium and long term.

    “Many of the actions required to deal with climate change and its impact on our coastlines will be beyond the financial capacity of Councils so will require support from State and Federal Governments.

    “Council is grateful that the Queensland Government funded a large proportion of the strategy’s development through the Local Government Association of Queensland.

    “We will again be looking to the Queensland and Australian Governments for funding support in coming years as we roll out the implementation plan.”

    The ‘Regional Action Plan’ in the strategy includes a range of recommended actions such as:

    • Educating and informing local communities about coastal hazard resilience;
    • Coastal monitoring programs and erosion studies;
    • Improved dune and foreshore management;
    • Updating the planning scheme, disaster management plan and Council’s Operational Plans to take into account coastal hazard mapping and
    • Maintaining existing seawalls, groynes and other structures which protect public areas.

    The ‘Local Adaptation Pathways’ within the strategy acknowledge that each locality on the Fraser Coast is unique and highlights key assets in each locality along with adaptation options that could be considered.

    These options include the potential refurbishment of existing seawalls, beach nourishment where possible and limiting future development in areas that are or could be exposed to coastal hazards.

    Cr O’Keefe said community feedback had been vital in developing the strategy and community information sessions would be held next year to inform residents of the outcomes and the local adaptation pathways.

    “Council will be holding information sessions in locations such as Hervey Bay, Burrum Heads, Toogoom, Dundowran and Craignish, Boonooroo and Tuan, Poona and Tinnanbar,” he said.

    To read the strategy, view the coastal hazard maps and find out more about information sessions in the future, visit .


  • Have your say on how to adapt to our changing coastline

    Fraser Coast residents are being urged to have their say on a new strategy for how our community can adapt to our changing coastline.

    Cr Zane O’Keefe said the Coastal Futures: Planning our Changing Coastline strategy outlined actions that Council and the community could take to plan for the future of our coastal areas.

    “Our coastline is an integral part of our Fraser Coast identity and lifestyle. Whether we live on the coast, work in a coastal town, or escape to our beautiful beaches and water for a break, our coast is part of who we are,” he said.

    “This strategy is about planning for the future and the changes that will happen along our coastlines.

    “It’s about building our resilience and ensuring we are better prepared for the impacts of hazards such as erosion, storm tide inundation and permanent inundation due to sea level rises.

    “The draft strategy has been informed by the best available science and has been a collaborative effort with the community, who have shared their experiences and knowledge and helped us understand what is important and how we should plan adapt to coastal changes.”

    Cr O’Keefe said the strategy included regional actions that would benefit our entire coastline as well as ten ‘local adaptation pathways’ tailored for specific coastal localities.

    “From Burrum Heads in the north, Tinnanbar in the south, and all coastal areas in between, this strategy will help us better prepare for the impacts of coastal hazards on our communities, environment, infrastructure, cultural heritage, liveability and services,” he said.

    The ‘Regional Action Plan’ in the strategy includes a range of recommended actions such as:

    Educating and informing local communities about coastal hazard resilience;

    Coastal monitoring programs and erosion studies;

    Improved dune and foreshore management;

    Updating the planning scheme, disaster management plan and Council’s Operational Plans to take into account coastal hazard mapping and

    Maintaining existing seawalls, groynes and other structures which protect public areas.

    The ‘Local Adaptation Pathways’ within the strategy acknowledge that each locality on the Fraser Coast is unique and highlights key assets in each locality along with adaptation options that could be considered.

    These options include the potential refurbishment of existing seawalls, beach nourishment where possible and limiting future development in areas that are or could be exposed to coastal hazards.

    Cr O’Keefe said community feedback had been vital in developing the draft strategy and he encouraged residents to view the document and have their say via the online survey or make a submission.

    “The draft Coastal Futures: Planning our Changing Coastline strategy is now available on Council’s Engagement Hub website and is open for consultation for the next four weeks,” he said.

    “We thank all those who have been involved in the process so far, and encourage local residents to jump online and take the survey to let us know what you think about the draft strategy before Friday 2 July 2021.”

    To read the draft strategy, view the coastal hazard maps, fill out the short survey or make a submission, visit

  • Council Planning for our changing coastline

    Fraser Coast Regional Council is planning for increased threats of erosion and higher storm tides along the coastline, and local residents are encouraged to get involved in the process.

    Cr David Lewis said Council was keen to hear from the community about what they valued about the Fraser Coast coastline to help identify priorities for the planning project.

    “From Burrum Heads in the north, to Tinnanbar in the south, and all areas in between, this project will determine how Council and the community can become more resilient to the effects of coastal hazards,” he said.

    “We know that coastal communities are already at risk from sea erosion and storm tide inundation caused by cyclones and other severe storm systems, and these will become a greater threat with rising sea levels.

    “The Coastal Futures: Planning Our Changing Coastline project will develop a plan to help protect our community assets and infrastructure, and maintain our unique natural environment here on the Fraser Coast.

    “The project is an opportunity for Council and residents to get on the front foot to identify and implement cost-effective mitigation measures over the medium and long term as we plan for development and growth.”

    Cr Lewis said Council was launching an online survey and a project page had been set up on Council’s Engagement Hub website -

    Residents can register their interest to keep updated on the project, or view fact sheets, frequently asked questions, an interactive map and a project timeline via the website.

    “We’ll also be seeking feedback through stakeholder group meetings and pop-up information stalls throughout the region in coming months, while a community reference group will be established to make recommendations to Council,” he said.

    “We’re starting the conversation with the community to identify important areas of personal, social, economic, cultural and environmental value to assist us when considering adaptation options.”

    Council has been allocated $430,000 in funding from the Queensland Government and the Local Government Association of Queensland through the QCoast 2100 program ( to develop a Coastal Hazard Adaption Strategy by September 2020.

  • Have Your Say

    As part of Phase 3 and 4 of Coastal Futures: Planning Our Changing coastline, we are seeking input from the community to identify important areas of personal, social, economic, cultural and environmental value. Gathering this information will ensure we are considering adaptation options that reflect the community’s values and priorities.

    The approach to community engagement for various stakeholder groups is outlined in the Community Engagement Overview document attached.

    Date: Thursday 8 August 2019

    Location: Beach House Hotel 344 Esplanade, Scarness

    Morning session: 7:30am – 9.30am


    Evening session: 5.30am – 7.30pm

    Please RSVP by emailing or by calling Fraser Coast Regional Council on 1300 79 49 29. A light breakfast / light supper will be provided at the sessions.

  • Thank you for having your say on values

    Thank you Fraser Coast for having your say in the survey and participating in the primary school colouring competition. Council received 350 completed surveys and in excess of 250 entries in the colouring competition. Your input of values and concerns will help in the development of plan that will help mitigate the future impacts of climate change. Your contributions are now being collated and analysed. Please see the What's On for future events to participate in. Stay tuned for the next update.

  • November engagement participation update

    November's community workshops for Coastal Futures: Planning Our Changing Coastline are completed.

    The Coastal Futures project team has been engaging through the month of November with internal Council Departmental staff, various community, sporting, business, industry and environmental representative groups and broader community members on hazard mapping work to date, outcomes of recent the Values Survey and also introduced to Phase 5's Risk Assessment Framework and future steps.

    Engagement participants were engaged through a series of workshops and forums to consider outcomes of what the broader community valued along our coastline with the context of identified coastal hazards risk and their consequences. A small discussion activity was set to:

    • identify tangible and intangible assets across the coastline region;
    • identify what coastal hazards the asset was susceptible to; and
    • what the social/cultural, environmental or economic consequences may be if that hazard was to occur.

    Council and the rest of the project team thanks all participants for their valuable input and discussions for this period of community engagement.

    To be involved with future Coastal Futures community engagement, be sure to register for future project updates and keep an eye on the What’s On tab for future engagement opportunities and events.

  • Community engagement update

    The plan for how we undertake community engagement for the Coastal Futures: Planning Our Changing Coastline project has been updated in repsonse to the covid-19 pandemic and will now switch to an online delivery.

    The community panel which was scheduled for May/June has been cancelled and will be reconsidered in August 2020.

    For more information see the updated strategy attached or contact the project team by emailing

  • Have your say on how best to protect our coastline

    Fraser Coast residents are being urged to have their say on how Council should respond to the current and future impacts of coastal hazards such as tidal surge and erosion.

    Cr Zane O’Keefe said Council’s Coastal Futures: Planning Our Changing Coastline project was entering the next stage with the release of a new online survey.

    “From Burrum Heads in the north, Tinnanbar in the south, and all coastal areas in between, this project aims to determine how our community can become more resilient to the effects of hazards such as storm tides, inundation and coastal erosion,” he said.

    “It’s about how we plan for, protect or lessen the impacts on our community infrastructure like boat ramps and piers, on environmental features such as dunes and wetlands, on homes and businesses, and on our Indigenous and cultural assets.”

    Cr O’Keefe said previous community consultation had helped identify key values and vulnerabilities in the different coastal locations throughout the Fraser Coast region.

    “We’re now seeking residents’ feedback on options and ideas to respond to coastal hazards,” he said.

    “This could include building things in the right place higher and stronger, or foreshore protection measures such as targeted dune restoration and mangrove replanting.

    “The community feedback we receive will be considered along with technical and financial information so that we can shape a long term Coastal Futures strategy that helps us to maintain the unique environment and lifestyle we all enjoy here on the Fraser Coast.”

    To fill out the survey and find out more about the project, visit

    The survey is open now and will close on Sunday 16 August 2020.

    Go back to the Coastal Futures: Planning Our Changing Coastline homepage to fill out a survey!

  • Strong community response to Council Coastal Futures survey

    Protecting and restoring natural ecosystems to stabilise the foreshore was a frequent response to a Fraser Coast Regional Council survey on Coastal Futures Adaptation Strategies.

    “Council received 587 responses from across the region to the Coastal Futures: Planning Our Changing Coastline survey,” Cr Zane O’Keefe said.

    “The survey is part of work to create a strategy on how Council responds to coastal hazards such as tidal surge and coastal erosion.

    “The results indicate a preference for ‘soft solutions’ to enhance our coastline through restoring natural ecosystems and revegetating programs.

    “A high proportion of respondents were interested in being involved in programs to monitor coastal changes which means people are engaged and willing to be a part of putting solutions into action.

    “There is also a thirst for information. A key response to questions on ways to build community resilience was a call for more information on the management of coastal hazards and foreshore vegetation.”

    The survey focussed on:

    • Burrum Heads;
    • Toogoom;
    • Dundowran and Craignish;
    • Hervey Bay;
    • Mary River;
    • River Heads and Booral, and;
    • Great Sandy Straight townships.

    The feedback is now available on Council’s Engagement Hub website (refer to the Document Library section).

    “Each location is different so individual strategies and actions will need to be developed for each area,” Cr O’Keefe said. “They will also have to take into account the financial sustainability of the proposal and specific focus areas.”

    The strategy will provide direction on a range of adaptation solutions from education and building resilience to prioritising where and when to invest in coastline protection.

    The draft strategy will be available for public consultation in early 2021.