Fraser Coast Regional Council have begun the process of reviewing their current Planning Scheme and undertaking a range of projects to inform the Planning Scheme Review.
The region’s natural environment, appealing lifestyle and affordable housing have been key factors underpinning sustained population growth.
In 2020 Council commissioned KPMG to prepare the report: Insight into the Future of the Fraser Coast which identified a number of considerations for the planning scheme review including preserving and enhancing the natural assets which underpin the lifestyle experience; the main driver of migration and tourism.
The Mapping Matters of Local Environmental Significance project was undertaken to identify and map locally important environmental values.
The outcome of this project is the Mapping Matters of Local Environmental Significance Technical Report. You can download the report under Key Documents.
Matters of Local Environmental Significance
Matters of Local Environmental Significance (MLES) are determined by local governement and can be plant or animal species, ecosystems or environmental values that are important to a particular local area. They cannot be the same as Matter of National Environemntal Significance (MNES) or a Matter of State Environmental Significance (MSES).
MLES Technical Report Methdology
The MLES Technical Report was prepared by external ecologist consultants and an external Expert Panel comprised of specialists from the following fields:
• Flora and fauna
• Coastal and marine biology
• Development assessment
• State matters of environmental significance
• Landscape ecology
• Botany and vegetation mapping
The Expert Panel nominated MLES values during based on knowledge, experience and verified information and data (such as regional ecosystem mapping).
The MLES Technical Report details the project's methodology, which included two Expert Panel workshops held in 2021,as well as the MLES recommendations.
You can download and read the report under Key Documents on this page.
What about our koalas?
Matters of Local Environment Significance cannot be the same plants, animals or ecosytems that are already protected by national or state legislation. Because koalas are a nationally endangered species, they cannot also be identified as an MLES value.
To find out the conservation status of a species, click here.
Land use planning response
Appropriate land use planning responses are being prepared to implement the MLES findings and for improving environmental outcomes more generally.
This will include, but is not limited to:
Building Better Neighbourhoods
The Matters of Local Environmental Significance project was identified as a key project by the Building Better Neighbourhoods Roadmap.
Related projects include: