Hervey Bay Community Hub

Project Stages - Update

  • City centre parking and pump track boost in Hervey Bay

    Fraser Coast Mayor George Seymour said the car park extension between the Hervey Bay PCYC and the current library would provide 164 additional spaces when it opened next Tuesday, December 24.

    “This car park extension will help ensure locals and visitors can better access businesses, Council venues and recreational spaces in the Hervey Bay City Centre, which is being redeveloped as part of the Hinkler Regional Deal,” he said.

    “This additional parking will particularly support those working at and visiting the under-construction Hervey Bay Community Hub, which will include a new library and Council administration centre.”

    Cr Seymour said upgrades to the area around the pump track would also be completed by next week.

    “The additional facilities include three toilet cubicles, two shelters, a BBQ area, a water bubbler and bins, relocated bike rack, sandstone seating, electrical works, and more trees to provide shade,” he said.

    “These upgrades are perfectly timed for summer and the school holidays, enhancing the experience for pump track users and pickleball players.

    “Pickleball is the fastest growing sport on the Fraser Coast and these new facilities will help the Hervey Bay Pickleball Club continue to provide a great recreational, social, and competitive experience.

    “The toilet block, one shelter, and BBQ area are positioned near the expanded car park, while the opposite end will have a new shelter and bench seating to offer onlookers a shaded spot to relax.

    “The new pump track is a fantastic recreational asset for the community, encouraging families to get outside, stay active, and connect with others, while it is also a tourism drawcard that boosts the local economy.

    “It’s all part of Council’s commitment to creating inclusive, engaging and vibrant public spaces for our community.”

    The pump track upgrades, funded by Council at a cost of $420,000, are due for completion by 23 December, weather permitting.

    The Queensland Government provided a $1.3 million grant to Council through the Works for Queensland program to design and build pump tracks in Maryborough and Hervey Bay.

    The $2.5 million car park extension project, funded by $1.3 million from the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) program and $1.18 million from Council, included significant upgrades such as:

    • Excavation, drainage and stormwater management;
    • Kerb and channel construction;
    • New asphalt surfacing, footpaths, lighting and landscaping.

    The Hinkler Regional Deal is a partnership between the Australian Government, Fraser Coast Regional Council and Bundaberg Regional Council that seeks to build on the area’s strengths to provide economic growth and long-term employment.

  • Hervey Bay community hub now a third complete

    Revitalising the Hervey Bay City Centre continues to progress thanks to investment from the Australian Government and Fraser Coast Regional Council – with construction of the $108.7 million Hervey Bay Community Hub now one third complete.

    The Hub will feature an expanded two-level library, Council Administration Centre, Disaster Resilience Centre, public plaza, and flexible spaces for community events.

    The new library will be double the current library’s size to cater for the region’s growing population and to boost education outcomes, with the outdoor plaza to support markets and live music.

    This project is being delivered as part of the Hinkler Regional Deal, with $40 million from the Australian Government and additional funding from Council.

    National construction company Hansen Yuncken is delivering the project and has engaged several local companies for services including hydraulic works, scaffolding, and earthworks.

    Construction on the five-storey building, located at the corner of Main Street and Torquay Road in Pialba, began in January and is on schedule for completion by mid-2026.

    More details are available at: Hervey Bay Community Hub.

    Minister for Regional Development and Local Government, Kristy McBain MP said having high-quality shared spaces and facilities in the heart of town is incredibly important, which is exactly what this project will deliver.

    “Our partnership with the Fraser Coast Regional Council will revitalise the Hervey Bay City Centre – supporting local jobs and boosting the region’s liveability," Minister McBain said.

    “The new library will open up opportunities for learning, studying and socialising with the disaster resilience centre to support the community in the event of emergencies.”

    Assistant Minister for Regional Development and Senator for Queensland, Anthony Chisholm, said we are delivering community focused projects, like this one, through the Hinkler Regional Deal which will benefit the Hervey Bay and wider Fraser Coast region for many years to come.

    “This is one of the fastest-growing regions in the country, which has seen a notable increase in the need for quality infrastructure – which our Government is proud to support," Assistant Minister Chisholm said.

    “We will continue to work with Fraser Coast Council to deliver priority projects which will ensure locals and visitors can make the most of the revitalised Hervey Bay City Centre.”

    Fraser Coast Regional Council Mayor George Seymour said libraries are vitally important public spaces, where people can meet, discover new interests and expand their horizons. This project is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to transform our city centre, create jobs and drive business investment.

    “Bringing hundreds of workers into the city centre will boost nearby businesses and mean better staff collaboration, which ultimately means more efficient services for the community," Mayor Seymour said.

    “More than three-quarters of the development will be community space with the new hub to be the community’s one-stop spot for learning, socialising and accessing Council services.”

    Fraser Coast Regional Councillor Denis Chapman said there has been considerable progress this year, with 93 foundation piles and 371 basement wall piles constructed. The bulk excavation works were also completed, removing over 8,600 cubic metres of material.

    “The basement and ground floor slabs have been poured and preparation works are underway for the level one slab. A 45-metre tall crane – now named ‘Hercules’ after a Name the Crane competition – was installed mid-year to help move heavy materials around during construction," Cr Chapman said.

    “We expect 2025 to be a similarly busy year as the building takes shape.”

  • Construction of a $2.5 million car park extension is underway

    Work to revitalise the Hervey Bay City Centre continues to progress thanks to investment from the Albanese Government and Fraser Coast Regional Council, with construction of a $2.5 million car park extension underway.

    Supported by $1.3 million from the Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) program, and $1.18 million from Council, 168 additional car spaces will be delivered.

    This will ensure locals and visitors can better access businesses and shared spaces in the Hervey Bay City Centre – which is currently under redevelopment as part of the Hinkler Regional Deal.

    The redevelopment includes the construction of a new Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre, with the overall construction contract being for $108.7 million, expected to be completed in mid-2026. – It is funded by $40 million from the Australian Government, and additional funding from Council.

    Work to extend the car park, which is part of more than $3 million flowing to Fraser Coast Regional Council under Phase 4 of LRCI, is being undertaken by local company Kirbro Contracting Pty Ltd and is expected to be completed by December.

    The project includes excavation and earthworks, stormwater drainage, kerb and channel, pavement and new asphalt surfacing, construction of concrete footpaths, line marking, lighting and landscaping.

    The Hinkler Regional Deal is a partnership between the Australian Government, Fraser Coast Regional Council and Bundaberg Regional Council that seeks to build on the area’s strengths to provide economic growth and long-term employment.

    Quotes attributable to Minister for Regional Development and Local Government, Kristy McBain MP:

    “Having high-quality shared spaces and facilities in the heart of town is incredibly important, but regional people know that access to a good car park is often the difference between spending local or going somewhere else.

    “That’s why we’re partnering with Fraser Coast Regional Council to get this high priority local project off the ground, which will ensure that locals and visitors can make the most of the revitalised Hervey Bay City Centre into the future.”

    Quotes attributable to Assistant Minister for Regional Development and Senator for Queensland, Anthony Chisholm:

    “We’re delivering community focused projects, like this one, through the Hinkler Regional Deal which will benefit the Hervey Bay and wider Fraser Coast region for many years to come.

    “This is one of the fastest-growing regions in the country, which has seen a notable increase in the need for quality community infrastructure – which our government is proud to support.”

    Quotes attributable to Fraser Coast Regional Councillor, Denis Chapman:

    “Council is partnering with the Australian Government through the Hinkler Regional Deal to redevelop the Hervey Bay City Centre, with the backbone of a new library and Council Administration Centre.

    “More than three-quarters of this development will be community space, with study zones, meeting rooms, creative spaces and areas for large functions available for community use, day and night.

    “The new building will also bring hundreds of Council workers together into the city centre, meaning better collaboration between staff and more efficient services for the community.

    “With more people coming into the Hervey Bay City Centre, there will be a need for more car parks, both for the general community and for Council staff.

    “That’s why we are extending the car park near the Hervey Bay PCYC, which will be just a short walk away from the new Hervey Bay Community Hub being built on the corner of Main Street and Torquay Road.

    “The car park will also benefit users of the recently opened Hervey Bay pump track.”

  • Hervey Bay’s tallest crane officially named HERCULES

    Hervey Bay’s tallest crane has been named HERCULES following a fun and creative naming and colouring competition for local primary school students and kindy kids.

    Fraser Coast Regional Council and Hansen Yuncken sought naming suggestions for the 45-metre-tall crane recently installed to help build the five-storey Hervey Bay Community Hub on Main Street.

    Deputy Mayor Paul Truscott said there were nearly 100 entries into the naming and colouring-in competition.

    “It was wonderful to see so many entries from community-minded children across the region, with a variety of interesting and entertaining suggestions,” he said.

    “In total, we have given out ten prizes, which were decided on by a panel of judges made up of Hansen Yuncken, Council, and the Hinkler Regional Deal Community Consultation Group.”

    Hansen Yuncken Project Manager and Hervey Bay local Rod Derbyshire said the crane will be part of the Hervey Bay skyline for more than a year, so we wanted a name that represents its size and strength.

    “A big congratulations to ten-year-old Caden Toole for coming up with the winning name,” he said.

    “Hercules, the Greek hero known for his extraordinary strength and bravery, seemed the perfect name for our powerful crane.”

    Name the Crane Winners and Runners Up include:

    Name the Crane Winner: Caden Toole (Prize - Turtle Discovery Eco Tour Valued at $330)

    Name the Crane Runner Up: Lika Knoester (Prize -Susan River Homestead Horse Riding Experience Valued at $125)

    Colouring In Competition (Under School Age) – Stella Ricciardi (Winner) and Paige Reilly (Runner Up)

    Colouring In Competition (Prep & Year 1) – Abigail Page (Winner) and Maverick Nickson (Runner Up)

    Colouring In Competition (Yrs 2 & 3) – Selina Boully (Winner) and Ava Dekker (Runner Up)

    Colouring In Competition (Yrs 4 – 6) – Olivia Crompton (Winner) and Emilia (Runner Up)

    All colouring-in winners received a $100 Fraser Coast Buy Local Gift Card, while all runners-up were awarded a $50 Fraser Coast Buy Local Gift Card.

    Cr Truscott would like to thank all the students who took the time to think of a name and to also submit colouring-ins of the crane.

    “The crane is an important part of building the new Hervey Bay Community Hub which will include an expanded library over two levels, a Council administration centre, a new public plaza, and flexible spaces that could be booked for meetings or events day and night,” he said.

    “More than three-quarters of this development will be community space with the new hub to be the community’s one-stop spot for learning, socialising and accessing Council services.

    “All the entries will be on display at the Hervey Bay Library and you’ll be able to see Hercules working away on the construction site over the next year.”

    The Hervey Bay Community Hub is due to be completed by mid-2026, weather permitting.

    More details about the Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre project is available on Council’s Engagement Hub website at: https://frasercoast.engagementhub.com.au/hervey-bay-library-administration-centre-inc-disaster-resilience-centre

  • Strategy to guide Hervey Bay City Centre development

    Greener streets, more outdoor dining, pop-up events and prioritising pedestrians are among the key elements of a strategy to revitalise the Hervey Bay City Centre.

    At its meeting this week, Fraser Coast Regional Council agreed to adopt the ‘Public Realm and Placemaking Strategy’ to guide the themes and standards for developing public places and infrastructure in the Hervey Bay City Centre. The Council endorsed the Vision document for Public Realm and Placemaking for the Hervey Bay City Centre at its meeting on 28 June 2023.

    Mayor George Seymour said the strategy detailed a range of ways to reshape the Hervey Bay City Centre streetscape to meet the needs of our changing community.

    “Our aspiration is to create a series of beautiful, green, lively streets and places that reflect the city’s distinct identity and enable all users to feel welcome and comfortable in Hervey Bay’s new city centre,” he said.

    “The design concepts prioritise walkability and slow vehicle speeds to create a safer, more pedestrian-friendly environment, revitalise street life, and support access to shops and businesses.”

    Cr Seymour said the strategy will assist Council to prioritise projects as funding becomes available.

    “Raised zebra crossings have been proposed in the short term near the Main Street/Torquay Road roundabout with the ultimate long-term design solution to be traffic lights at this intersection to slow down cars and prioritise pedestrians,” he said.

    “Another key proposal is adding a lane and covering the section of the mobility corridor that will link the new Hervey Bay Civic Centre with a new car park near the Hervey Bay PCYC. This would provide all users better, safer, well-lit, all-weather access.

    “Activating Freedom Park, new paving and landscape treatments, footpath dining and pop-up events with food vans are all part of the vision to create a lively, inner-city hub with places to stop and sit, get a bite to eat and catch up with family and friends.

    “The new Hervey Bay Civic Centre incorporating a new library and Council administration centre will bring hundreds of workers together in one location to provide centralised community services when it opens in mid-2026.

    “The proposed public realm upgrades in conjunction with this new development will help transform the city centre into a vibrant and thriving place.”

    A copy of the Hervey Bay Public Realm and Placemaking Strategy is available on Council’s website at https://www.frasercoast.qld.gov.au/publications or on the project page here.

  • Help us name the crane!

    Fraser Coast Regional Council is joining construction company Hansen Yuncken to announce a fun and creative naming and colouring-in competition for local primary students and kindy kids.
    Deputy Mayor Paul Truscott said Hansen Yuncken began work on the new five-storey Hervey Bay City Centre community hub earlier this year, and the project was progressing well with the basement excavation completed and a new crane installed last month.
    “The flat top tower crane is 45 metres tall, which is larger than nine giraffes, and has a 70 metre jib or arm, which is longer than six buses,” he said.
    “The crane will be part of the Hervey Bay skyline for more than a year so we want to give it a name so it can officially be part of the construction team.”
    Hansen Yuncken Project Manager and Hervey Bay local Rod Derbyshire said the Name the Crane competition was officially open to students at local primary schools and child care centres, and also includes a colouring-in competition.
    “Great prizes are up for grabs for the best names and for the best coloured cranes, with the winning name displayed on the crane for everyone to admire,” he said.
    “Entry forms are being distributed to local schools and child care centres and will also be available from Council’s Customer Service Centres and libraries. The entry form can also be downloaded at

    “Parents or guardians need to sign the completed entry forms, which can be returned to your school, childcare centre, a Council Customer Service Centre or library or emailed to community@frasercoast.qld.gov.au before entries close on Monday 5 August 2024.”
    Cr Truscott said the Australian Government was partnering with Council through the Hinkler Regional Deal to revitalise the Hervey Bay City Centre, and the backbone was a new Library and Council Administration Centre.

    “The new Hervey Bay City Centre communit hub will include an expanded library over two levels, a new public plaza, and flexible spaces that could be booked for meetings or events day and night,” he said.
    “More than three-quarters of this development will be community space with the new hub to be the community’s one-stop spot for learning, socialising and accessing Council services,” he said.
    “This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to transform the city centre, create jobs and drive business investment.”
    Fraser Coast Mayor George Seymour said the new library and community space will ensure our growing community has the services and facilities it needs.
    “Libraries can be vibrant spaces, and we are making sure the new library will serve the needs of people of all ages and backgrounds.”
    The Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre (incorporating a Disaster Resilience Centre) is a commitment under the Hinkler Regional Deal with the Australian Government.
    The overall construction contract, which was awarded to Hansen Yuncken for $108.7 million, is funded by a $40 million Australian Government commitment, the Council’s general revenue, and land sales.
    Construction is due to be completed in mid-2026.

  • Massive crane installed to help build community hub

    Construction of the $108.7 million Hervey Bay City Centre community hub is full steam ahead, with a new crane installed this week.

    The flat top tower crane is 45 metres tall with a 70-metre arm, and will be used to help move heavy materials around during construction of the new five storey building on the corner of Main Street and Torquay Road in Pialba.

    The project, which is supported by $40 million from the Australian Government, and additional funding from Fraser Coast Regional Council, is now six months into what will be a two-and-a-half-year build – due for completion in mid-2026.

    The new community hub will include a Disaster Resilience Centre, an expanded library over two levels, a new public plaza, and flexible spaces for meetings and events.

    More than three-quarters of this development will be community space, with the new hub to be the community’s one-stop spot for learning, socialising and accessing council services.

    The project is funded through the Hinkler Regional Deal - a partnership between the Australian Government, Fraser Coast Regional Council and Bundaberg Regional Council that seeks to build on the area’s strengths to provide economic growth and long-term employment.

    More details on the project is available on Council’s Engagement Hub website.

    Quotes attributable to Minister for Regional Development and Local Government, Kristy McBain MP:

    “With this massive crane now in place, the Fraser Coast region is one step closer to accessing multi-purpose spaces and high-quality infrastructure for a range of workshops and community events.

    “We’re investing $40 million in this project, because it’s supporting local jobs and trades businesses during construction, and will continue to unlock a range of social and economic opportunities in the Fraser Coast region once complete.”

    Assistant Minister for Regional Development and Senator for Queensland, Anthony Chisholm, said it was great to see construction progressing on this major development in the Fraser Coast region, which is supporting local jobs and injecting millions into the Hervey Bay economy.

    “This centre will have long-term benefits for one of Queensland’s fastest growing regions, from boosting community engagement, supporting local businesses to grow and encouraging more visitors to spend time in the heart of town,” Mr Chisholm said

    Fraser Coast Regional Councillor, Daniel Sanderson, said that national construction company Hansen Yuncken began work on the new Hervey Bay City Centre community hub in January, and the project has now reached a significant milestone with the installation of the crane in the middle of the site.

    “With an expanded library spanning two levels, an outdoor public plaza and versatile community spaces that can be booked day and night, the new community hub will become a focal point for both residents and Council operations,” Mr Sanderson said.

    “This transformational project for Hervey Bay will revitalise the Hervey Bay city centre, create jobs and drive business investment.”

  • More locals win contracts for Hervey Bay City Centre

    See short time lapse video here.

    Works on the new Hervey Bay City Centre community hub, a key project under the Hinkler Regional Deal, have gone underground, with excavation underway for the basement car park.

    Construction of the $108.7 million hub – which is supported by $40 million from the Australian Government, and additional funding from Fraser Coast Regional Council – is progressing well with national construction company Hansen Yuncken kicking off the works earlier this year.

    Hansen Yuncken have now engaged four more local businesses for trade packages valued at more than $3 million, in addition to the eight local companies previously engaged for goods and services valued at more than $12 million.

    This will provide a major injection into the Fraser Coast local economy, with Wide Bay Scaffolding, Meales Wide Bay Concrete Pumping, Wide Bay Crane Hire and Neumann Steel among the latest local businesses set to benefit from the project.

    The new community hub will include a Disaster Resilience Centre, an expanded library over two levels, a new public plaza, and flexible spaces for meetings and events.

    More than three-quarters of this development will be community space, with the new hub to be the community’s one-stop spot for learning, socialising and accessing council services.

    Almost 100 foundation piles and 371 basement wall piles were created to help prepare the foundations for the new five-storey building on the corner of Main Street and Torquay Road in Pialba, and now local contractor Wombat Civil and Earthworks is excavating the single-level basement car park.

    About 8,600 cubic metres of material will be removed over the five weeks of the excavation works, with the car park to provide 68 parking spaces underneath the building.

    Council is also extending the car park near the current library site and Hervey Bay PCYC to provide 162 new car parks, and is exploring additional on-street parking options within the city centre.

    Construction is due to be completed in mid-2026.

    The Hinkler Regional Deal is a partnership between the Australian Government, Fraser Coast Regional Council and Bundaberg Regional Council that seeks to build on the area’s strengths to provide economic growth and long-term employment.

    For more information on the Hervey Bay City Centre community hub, visit: https://frasercoast.engagementhub.com.au/hervey-bay-library-administration-centre-inc-disaster-resilience-centre.

    Quotes attributable to Minister for Regional Development and Local Government, Kristy McBain:

    “Regional communities deserve high-quality community infrastructure and multi-purpose spaces that can bring them together, which is why we’re partnering with Fraser Coast Regional Council and injecting $40 million towards this transformative project.

    “From boosting community engagement, providing a dedicated space for events, and unlocking new commercial opportunities, this hub will have a huge impact in Hervey Bay – and it’s fantastic to see local contractors front and centre of this work.”

    Quotes attributable to Assistant Minister for Regional Development and Senator for Queensland, Anthony Chisholm:

    “This project is going to boost the excellent quality of life that locals enjoy here, while also attracting more people to experience everything that the Hervey Bay region has to offer.

    “We know this new hub will have long-term benefits for this fast-growing region, but it will also unlock significant economic opportunities for local businesses right now – supporting local contractor jobs and injecting millions into the Fraser Coast economy.”

    Quotes attributable to Fraser Coast Regional Councillor, Denis Chapman:

    "This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to transform the city centre, create jobs and drive business investment.

    “There will continue to be opportunities for local businesses to secure work over the next two years.

    “Any local businesses wanting to find out more about how they can get involved in this project are encouraged to contact Hansen Yuncken directly at FCLAB@hansenyuncken.com.au.”

  • Construction has started on Hervey Bay's new community hub

    Fraser Coast Regional Council is partnering with the Australian Government through the Hinkler Regional Deal to build the new hub on the corner of Main Street and Torquay Road in Pialba.

    It will feature a new regional library, community space, a Council administration centre, a Disaster Resilience Centre and an outdoor public plaza where there could be events, markets and live music.

    More than three-quarters of the hub will be community space.

    Construction for this exciting hub is underway and is expected to be completed in mid-2026.

    This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to create jobs, grow the economy and drive business investment.

    See the link to the timelapse on our YouTube page : here.

  • Community Hub progresses

    🚧👀 Have you spotted the two piling rigs at work at the site of the Hervey Bay City Centre community hub near the intersection of Main Street and Torquay Road? 🚧👀

    These mechanical giants are currently burrowing about 12 metres deep into the earth, crafting 215 piles to lay the groundwork for the new five-storey building. 🏗️🌍

    More than three-quarters of this new development will be community space 📚🌟

    It will feature:

    • A larger library over two levels 📖📚
    • A new Council administration centre 🏢
    • A Disaster Resilience Centre 🚨🛠️
    • An outdoor public plaza 🌳🌞

    For more details and to stay updated, visit the project website here.

  • The first sod was turned at the site of the new Hervey Bay Library & Council Admin Centre last week.


    🌟 The transformation of Hervey Bay’s city centre is officially underway!

    🚧👷‍♂️ The first sod was turned this morning to mark the start of construction of the new Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre, which also features a Disaster Resilience Centre.

    More than three-quarters of this development will feature community space, with the new building to be a one-stop spot for learning, socialising and accessing Council services. There will be an expanded library over two levels, a new outdoor public plaza and flexible community spaces.

    📚 The current library network in the region is only half the size needed to meet current Australian and Queensland building standards. With over a third of the Fraser Coast’s population holding library memberships, this transformation is much needed and numbers are continuing to grow!

    The Australian Government and Council are partnering up through the Hinkler Regional Deal to deliver this transformation project for Hervey Bay’s city centre. More details about the project are available here:


  • Hervey Bay City Centre car park to be extended

    The car park between the Hervey Bay PCYC and the current Hervey Bay Library building will be extended to provide more parking spaces ahead of the construction of a new Hervey Bay City Centre community hub.

    At its meeting today, Fraser Coast Regional Council resolved to accept the $2.25 million tender from local company Kirbro Contracting Pty Ltd to construct 162 car parks and complete the associated drainage, pathways, lighting and landscape works.

    Deputy Mayor Denis Chapman said Council was partnering with the Australian Government through the Hinkler Regional Deal to redevelop the Hervey Bay City Centre, with the backbone of this project being a new Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre (incorporating a Disaster Resilience Centre).

    “The transformation of the Hervey Bay City Centre is about to begin, with the new community hub to be the one-stop spot for learning, socialising and accessing Council services,” he said.

    “More than three-quarters of the development will be community space, with study zones, meeting rooms, creative spaces and areas for large functions available for community use, day and night.

    “It will also bring hundreds of Council workers from various locations together into the city centre, meaning better collaboration between staff and more efficient services for the community.

    “With more people coming into the Hervey Bay City Centre, there will be a need for more car parks, both for the general community and for Council staff.

    “That’s why we are extending the car park near the Hervey Bay PCYC, which will be just a short walk away from the new Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre being built on the corner of Main Street and Torquay Road.

    “The car park will also be of benefit to users of the Hervey Bay pump track, which will be built in coming months in Fraser Coast Park, behind the current Hervey Bay Library building and the University of the Sunshine Coast’s local campus.”

    The project scope will include excavation and earthworks, stormwater drainage, kerb and channel, pavement and new asphalt surfacing, construction of concrete footpaths, line marking to allow for 162 additional car parking spaces, lighting and landscaping.

    Work on the car park extension is expected to start later this year and be finished by the end of the year.

    The car park extension works are partly funded through the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program.

    The new Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre (incorporating a Disaster Resilience Centre) is funded by a $40 million Australian Government commitment under the Hinkler Regional Deal, Council’s general revenue and land sales.

    Construction of the new centre is starting this month and is expected to be completed by mid-2026.

    The Queensland Government provided a $1.3 million grant to Council through the Works for Queensland program to design and build pump tracks in Maryborough and Hervey Bay, with the Maryborough pump track opening in mid-2023.

  • Eight local companies secure work on new community hub

    Eight local companies have secured sub-contracts valued at about $12.2 million for goods and services needed during the construction of a new Hervey Bay City Centre community hub.

    Fraser Coast Deputy Mayor Denis Chapman said the Australian Government was partnering with Council through the Hinkler Regional Deal to revitalise the Hervey Bay City Centre, and the cornerstone was a new Library and Council Administration Centre.

    “Council awarded the tender to develop the new Hervey Bay City Centre community hub to national construction company Hansen Yuncken, who have begun preparing the site for construction to start this month,” he said.

    “Hansen Yuncken has so far engaged eight local companies for trade packages valued at around $12.2 million.

    “This includes Sam’s Plumbing and Gas securing a $2 million subcontract for hydraulic services and Wombat Civil and Earthworks being awarded a $1.2 million subcontract for bulk earthworks.

    “There will be many more opportunities for local businesses to secure work over the next two and a half years, with the AEC Group estimating the new building will support $146 million in industry output for local businesses during construction.

    “Any local businesses wanting to find out more about how they can get involved in this project are encouraged to contact Hansen Yuncken directly at FCLAB@hansenyuncken.com.au”

    Cr Jade Wellings said the new community hub would include an expanded library over two levels, a new public plaza, and flexible spaces that could be booked for meetings or events both day and night.

    “More than three-quarters of this development will be community space with the new hub to be the community’s one-stop spot for learning, socialising and accessing Council services,” she said.

    “Bringing hundreds of workers together into the city centre will also boost nearby businesses. It will mean better collaboration between staff and, ultimately, more efficient services for the community.

    “While there will be some disruption during construction, the end result will be a major transformation of a key part of the Hervey Bay City Centre that will set the standard for other developments and pave the way for business investment into our growing city.”

    The Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre (incorporating a Disaster Resilience Centre) is a commitment under the Hinkler Regional Deal.

    The overall construction contract has been awarded to Hansen Yuncken for $108.7 million, and is funded by a $40 million Australian Government commitment, Council’s general revenue and land sales.

    Construction is due to start later this month and be completed in mid-2026.

    The eight local companies that have secured subcontracts so far include:

    • Electrical, Communication and Security – JGP Electrical CQ Pty Ltd;
    • Hydraulic Services – Sam’s Plumbing and Gas Pty Ltd;
    • Temporary Fencing – Handy Hire Trading Pty Ltd;
    • Telehandler/Forklift Hire – Handy Hire Trading Pty Ltd;
    • Geotechnical – Geotechnical Services (Wide Bay) Pty Ltd;
    • Skip Bins – Coastal Skip Bins Hire Pty Ltd;
    • Shed Cleaning – Bluebell Services Wide Bay;
    • Bulk Earthworks – Wombat Civil and Earthworks;
    • Surveyor – Surveyors at Work Pty Ltd.

    More details about the Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre project is available on Council’s Engagement Hub website here.

  • Construction of a new Hervey Bay City Centre community hub will start within weeks

    Following the completion of the detailed design and the undergrounding of power around the site, construction of a new Hervey Bay City Centre community hub will start within weeks.

    Fraser Coast Deputy Mayor Denis Chapman said the Australian Government was partnering with Council through the Hinkler Regional Deal to revitalise the Hervey Bay City Centre, and the cornerstone was the development of a new Library and Council Administration Centre.

    “This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to transform the city centre, create jobs and drive business investment,” he said.

    “More than three-quarters of this development will be community space with the new hub to be the one-stop spot for learning, socialising and accessing Council services.

    “There’ll be an expanded library over two levels, a new outdoor public plaza and flexible spaces that could be booked for meetings and community events day and night.

    “Bringing hundreds of workers together into the city centre will also boost nearby businesses. It will mean better collaboration between staff and ultimately more efficient services for the community.”

    Cr Jade Wellings said undergrounding power around the site had been completed in recent weeks, which visually enhanced the area and paved the way for the building’s construction to start.

    “Council awarded the tender to national construction company Hansen Yuncken in July to develop the new community hub, and with the detailed design now complete, site mobilisation and construction can start within weeks,” she said.

    “This is a massive project that will be built over a two-and-a-half-year period, with an independent economic analysis by the AEC Group estimating the new building will support $146 million in industry output for local businesses during construction.

    “Any local tradies or subbies wanting to find out more about how they can get involved in this project are encouraged to contact Hansen Yuncken directly at FCLAB@hansenyuncken.com.au

    “While there will be some disruption during construction, the end result will be a major transformation of a key part of the Hervey Bay City Centre that will set the standard for other developments and stimulate business investment into our growing city.”

    Cr David Lee said the AEC Group’s analysis found that constructing a new library and Council administration centre was between $42.5 million and $53.6 million cheaper than upgrading the existing library and existing Council offices.

    “The relocation of Council’s administration centre has been on the drawing board for decades, local business groups support it as the number one project to grow the economy, and the Hinkler Regional Deal funding means it can finally become a reality,” he said.

    “The sale of Council’s Tavistock Street site, which is in a residential area in Torquay, will help offset the costs of the new city centre community hub and potentially help address the housing availability crisis in our region.

    “About 50 residential housing blocks, up to 200 units or about 120 homes in an over-50s lifestyle community development could be built on the Tavistock Street site.”

    The Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre (incorporating a Disaster Resilience Centre) is a commitment under the Hinkler Regional Deal.

    The construction contract has been awarded for a price of $108.7 million, and is funded by a $40 million Australian Government commitment, Council’s general revenue and land sales.

    Construction is due to start in early 2024 and be completed in mid-2026.

    More details about the Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre project is available on Council’s Engagement Hub website at: https://frasercoast.engagementhub.com.au/hervey-bay-library-administration-centre-inc-disaster-resilience-centre.

  • Proposals sought to develop Hervey Bay City Centre land

    Fraser Coast Regional Council is seeking proposals to help revitalise the Hervey Bay City Centre through the development of prime land across from Seafront Oval.

    Deputy Mayor Denis Chapman said Council-owned land at 7-19 Hillyard Street in Pialba was now officially on the market, with expressions of interest sought to buy and develop the land to provide maximum social and economic benefits for the Fraser Coast.

    “Council is partnering with the Australian Government to build a better lifestyle for the Fraser Coast by creating a world-class city centre and civic hub in Hervey Bay,” he said.

    “Council bought land in Hillyard Street in Pialba in 2019 as a potential site for a new administration centre but subsequently decided to co-locate the new administration centre with a new library on the corner of Main Street and Torquay Road.

    “The Hillyard Street land is in a strategically important location and Council is seeking a development partner for the site to help revitalise the Hervey Bay City Centre, leverage off the benefits that flow from the new Council building and deliver on the 20-year master plan for the area.

    “It provides an opportunity to develop a greenfield, mixed-use commercial building providing high-density permanent residential living or tourist accommodation in the form of short-stay apartments or a hotel.

    “One scenario is for an integrated hotel and conference/meeting/event facility, while there is also an opportunity to establish a public pedestrian overpass or walkway to Seafront Oval.

    “A revitalised City Centre will ensure Hervey Bay has a flourishing local economy and can compete at a state and national level for new business and industry, tourism expenditure and skilled workers.”

    Cr Chapman said proposals would be assessed on their ability to achieve and complement the outcomes of the Hervey Bay City Centre Master Plan.

    “To realise the full potential of this site, Council has engaged Colliers to market the site nationally with Tony Nioa the local agent representative,” he said.

    “This is an important parcel of land in the heart of Hervey Bay and we will retain it if we don’t get the right development proposal.

    “We are looking for someone who is ready to invest and develop the land now to help breathe new life and opportunities into the Hervey Bay City Centre.”

  • Local electrical contractor to work on new community hub

    Local tradies and subbies are being reminded of the opportunities to secure during the construciton of a new Hervey Bay City Centre community hub following the awarding of the $7 million subcontract to a local electrical contractor.

    Fraser Coast Deputy Mayor Denis Chapman said the Australian Government was partnering with Council through the Hinkler Deal to revitalise the Hervey Bay City Centre, and the cornerstone was the development of a new Library and Council Administration Centre.

    "Council awarded the tender to develop the new Hervey Bay City Centre Community Hub to national construction company Hansen Yuncken earlier this year, and Hansen Yuncken is now starting to award subcontracts and go to the market with trade package opportunities," he said.

    "The Pialba office of JGP Electrical CQ Pty Ltd has been awarded the subcontract for an electrical, communications and security trade package and there are a range of trade packages now in the market or about to go to the market.

    "This includes but is not limited to scaffolding, hydraulic services, bulk earthworks and detailed excavation, to name just a few.

    "This is a massive project that will be built over a two and a half year period, with an independent economic analysis by the AEC Group estimating the new building will support $146 million in industry output for local businesses during construction.

    "Any local tradies or subbies wanting to find out more about how they can get involved in this project are encouraged to contact Hansen Yuncken directly at FCLAB@hansenyunken.com.au."

    Hansen Yuncken project manager Rod Derbyshire said it was great to see the level of interest from local contractors and suppliers.

    "The award of this large package to a local business will only help support local employment through the course of the project," he said.

    Cr Chapman said the new community hub would include an expanded library over two levels, a new public plaza, and flexible spaces that could be booked for meetings or events both day and night.

    “More than three-quarters of this development will be community space with the new hub to be the community’s one-stop spot for learning, socialising and accessing Council services,” he said.

    “While there will be some disruption during construction, the end result will be a major transformation of a key part of the Hervey Bay City Centre that will set the standard for other developments and pave the way for business investment into our growing city.”

    The Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre (incorporating a Disaster Resilience Centre) is a commitment under the Hinkler Regional Deal.

    The overall construction contract has been awarded to Hansen Yuncken for $108.7 million, and is funded by a $40 million Australian Government commitment, Council’s general revenue and land sales.

    Construction is due to start in early 2024 and be completed in mid-2026.

    More details about the Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre project is available on Council’s Engagement Hub website at: https://frasercoast.engagementhub.com.au/hervey-bay-library-administration-centre-inc-disaster-resilience-centre

  • Upcoming Fraser Coast and Gympie Regional Projects Industry Briefing

    Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning, Fraser Coast and Gympie Regional Office is hosting an industry briefing for upcoming projects in our region to better connect local suppliers to major buyers, in partnership with the Fraser Coast Regional Council, Regional Development Australia Wide Bay Burnett and the Department of Industry, Science and Resources - AusIndustry.

    The event will showcase the supply chain opportunities and procurement schedules of some of the largest infrastructure projects in the Fraser Coast and Gympie region and enable regional businesses to connect with buyers face-to-face.

    You’ll hear from:

    • Downer Group - Queensland Train Manufacturing Program

    • Equis – Lower Wonga (Woolooga) Battery Energy Storage System

    • Energy Solution Industries – Battery Manufacturing Facility

    • Hansen Yuncken – Fraser Coast Library and Administration Centre

    • Queensland Health - Regional Projects

    • Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships Communities and the Arts – Declared Projects.

    • and more …

    The event also offers a valuable opportunity to network and connect one-on-one with industry and government. Come prepared with your business pitch and capability statement!

    Event details:

    Date: Wednesday 11 October 2023

    Time: 9:00am to 2:00pm (registrations open 8.30am)

    Venue: The Brolga Theatre and Convention Centre, 5 Walker Street, Maryborough

    Cost: $40.00 (incl. GST)

    Inclusions: Morning tea and light lunch provided

    Register: click here to register

    Registrations close - Wednesday 6 October 2023

    More information:

    Jennifer Morrice, Senior Economic Development Fraser Coast & Gympie Regional Office, Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning

    M: 0437 920 436 E: Jennifer.morrice@dsdilgp.qld.gov.au

    Connect with us @GrowingQld

  • Independent report finds new building cheapest option

    Building a new Hervey Bay Library and Fraser Coast Regional Council Administration Centre will cost less than upgrading existing facilities, a report by independent economic experts has found.

    The report’s release comes as Council today officially gave the green light for the project to go ahead, awarding the contract to finalise the design and construct the new building to national construction company Hansen Yuncken.

    Deputy Mayor Denis Chapman said Council had commissioned the AEC Group to examine the need for the new building and compare the costs, benefits and economic impacts with other options.

    “AEC Group found that doing nothing was not an option,” he said.

    “The current library is less than half the size it should be to meet Queensland and Australian library building standards, while the Hervey Bay Council Administration Centre is at the end of its useful working life and cannot meet the organisation’s operational needs.

    “AEC Group found that bringing Council teams together would lead to better strategic planning, operational efficiencies and improved service delivery for the Fraser Coast community.”

    Cr David Lewis said AEC Group used Queensland Treasury long-term financial modelling and a ‘net present value’ analysis to compare the costs of building a new library and administration centre with the costs of upgrading existing facilities.

    “Their analysis highlighted that building a new library and administration centre was between $42.5 million and $53.6 million cheaper than the alternative option,” he said.

    AEC Group found there was a “clear need for change” and a range of benefits of the new library and administration centre beyond just lower financial costs, including that it:

    • Activates the Hervey Bay City Centre;
    • Enhances the university’s ability to provide education and training to local students;
    • Maximises cultural, learning and recreational opportunities;
    • Maximises energy efficiency outcomes; and
    • Provides a central facility for disaster resilience agencies to come together to respond to disaster events in the region.

    The Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre (incorporating a Disaster Resilience Centre) is a commitment under the Hinkler Regional Deal.

    More details about the project and a copy of the AEC Group’s report is available on Council’s Engagement Hub website in the Document Library at: https://frasercoast.engagementhub.com.au/hervey-bay-library-administration-centre-inc-disaster-resilience-centre

  • Green light for Hervey Bay City Centre community hub

    The transformation of the Hervey Bay City Centre will start within months after Fraser Coast Regional Council today awarded the tender to develop a new community hub to national construction company Hansen Yuncken.

    Cr David Lee said the Australian Government was partnering with Council through the Hinkler Regional Deal to revitalise the Hervey Bay City Centre, and the cornerstone was the development of a new Library and Council Administration Centre.

    “This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reshape the Hervey Bay City Centre, to create jobs and drive economic growth and investment. We must do it right,” he said.

    “Council has today officially given the project the green light with Hansen Yuncken awarded the contract to finalise the design and construct the new building.

    “Work is about to get underway on undergrounding power in the area, which is expected to be completed by November, paving the way for construction of the new building to then start.”

    Cr Jade Wellings said the building would be a community hub including an expanded library over two levels, a new public plaza, and flexible spaces that could be booked for meetings or events both day and night.

    “The new Library and Council Administration Centre will be a place to support learning and innovation, and a place where the community can come together to socialize and benefit from centralised Council services,” she said.

    “More than three-quarters of this development will be dedicated to community space.

    “By improving the library’s floor space and design, we can cater for our growing population and help improve education outcomes in our region.

    “Our young children deserve a quality library to assist in giving them the best start to life, our students deserve to have somewhere they can do their study while living locally and our aging population deserve to have somewhere they can build friendships and stay connected.

    “As well as that, our staff deserve to have a modern and fit for purpose work environment so they can more efficiently and effectively provide much needed and loved services to the whole Fraser Coast. I’m proud that we are able to offer these things to our community.”

    Cr Zane O’Keefe said Hansen Yuncken had a strong track record of delivering major projects, such as the Hervey Bay Hospital Emergency Department redevelopment and the University of Sunshine Coast Moreton Bay Foundation building.

    “Hansen Yuncken were initially selected in November 2022 to assist Council in progressing the design development for the new Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre through an Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) agreement,” he said.

    “This process helps leverage the builder’s significant experience, reduces risk and ensures we have the most cost-effective design for the building.

    “The design and construction contract is being awarded as a Guaranteed Maximum Price tender, which provides cost certainty and protects against future cost overruns.

    “Council will also share in any cost savings if the cost falls below the Guaranteed Maximum Price.

    “This is a very significant project with the development occurring progressively over the next three years and completion due by June 2026.

    “While there will be some disruption during construction, the end result will be a major transformation of the area into a community and civic centre that will set the standard for other developments and pave the way for business investment into our growing city.”

    The Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre (incorporating a Disaster Resilience Centre) is a commitment under the Hinkler Regional Deal.

    The contract has been awarded for a price of $108.7 million, and is funded by a $40 million Australian Government commitment, Council’s general revenue and land sales.

    More details about the Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre project is available on Council’s Engagement Hub website oin the Document Library at: https://frasercoast.engagementhub.com.au/hervey-bay-library-administration-centre-inc-disaster-resilience-centre

  • Building demolished to make way for city centre revamp

    A vacant building on the corner of Main Street and Torquay Road in Pialba is being demolished ahead of the installation of underground power and the construction of the new Hervey Bay Library and Fraser Coast Regional Council Administration Centre.

    Deputy Mayor Denis Chapman said the Australian Government was partnering with Council through the Hinkler Regional Deal to build a vibrant community hub in the heart of Hervey Bay.

    “The new development in the Hervey Bay City Centre will feature a public plaza, a larger library over two levels, a Council Administration Centre incorporating a Disaster Resilience Centre and flexible community spaces that can be booked day and night,” he said.

    “This project is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reshape the Hervey Bay City Centre, to create jobs and drive economic growth and investment.

    “Detailed design of the new Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre is underway now, and work on undergrounding power near where the new building will be is due to start later this month.

    “Before that can happen, the vacant building that Council owns on the corner of Main Street and Torquay Road must be demolished. That work has started this week and is expected to be finished in the coming days.

    “The work to underground power is expected to be completed by November, weather and construction conditions permitting.

    “There will be traffic management in place while the works are underway to underground power, including a full closure of Torquay Road from the Torquay Road roundabout west while trenching works are completed.

    “Council will be working with Ergon to ensure businesses in the area have continued power supply while the process to underground power is underway.

    “We thank businesses and residents in advance for their patience while this important work occurs.”

    Cr David Lewis said more than three-quarters of the new city centre development would be community space.

    “The new Library and Council Administration Centre will be a place to support learning and innovation, and a place where the community can come together to socialise and benefit from centralised Council services,” he said.

    “By improving the library’s floor space and design, we can cater for our growing population and help improve education outcomes in our region.”

    The Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre (incorporating a Disaster Resilience Centre) is a commitment under the Hinkler Regional Deal, with funding of $40 million allocated from the Australian Government.

    More details about the Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre project is available on Council’s Engagement Hub website at: https://frasercoast.engagementhub.com.au/hervey-bay-library-administration-centre-inc-disaster-resilience-centre

  • Opportunities for local trades & suppliers with new Library & Administration building

    Local tradies and sub-contractors are being urged to register their interest in participating in the construction of the new Fraser Coast Regional Council library and administration building (incl disaster resilience centre) in the Hervey Bay City Centre.

    Early Contract Involvement head contractor Hensen Yunken is currently seeking expressions of interest from local trades and suppliers, with construction work expected to start in late 2023 and be completed by late 2025.

    Council is partnering with the Australian Government through the Hinkler Regional Deal to improve local economic outcomes and create opportunities in the Hervey Bay City Centre.

    In developing a new Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre (incorporating a Disaster Resilience Centre), we want to create a building that sets the benchmark for business, investors and developers.

    The Library and Council Administration Centre will be a central civic hub where individuals, professionals and families can come to learn, network, socialise and benefit from Council services.

    The project is expected to create more jobs for local people, with tradies and subbies encouraged to register their interest in working on the new Hervey Bay Library and Administration Centre via Council’s Engagement Hub websites - for tradies & sub-contractors and local suppliers. There is an online form to fill out to register some details about your business.

    It is important to note that registering your interest is not a guarantee of the work, as the head contractor will ultimately be responsible for organising sub-contractors and doing due diligence before developing any sub-contracting agreements.

    The development of a new Hervey Bay Library and Administration Centre (incl Disaster Resilience Centre) is a key element of the Hervey Bay City Centre Master Plan, which was finalised and adopted by Council in 2022, following significant community consultation. It is a once in a generation opportunity to reshape the city centre in Hervey Bay to create jobs and to drive economic growth and business investment.

    Need for a new library:

    The current Hervey Bay library had about 225,000 visitations a year and is only half the size it should be to meet Australian and Queensland library building standards. By improving our library’s floor size and design, we will have the opportunity to improve and build on our programming, offering excellent learning opportunities and hopefully make a contribution to lifting our region’s overall education standard.

    The new library will be more than double the size of the current library with a range of modern, community spaces to ensure we can cater for our growing population over the next 20 years and beyond.

    The building work will be funded through a combination of Australian Government funding, Council land sales and Council borrowings.

    More details about the Hervey Bay Library and Administration Centre (incorporating a Disaster Resilience Centre) project is available at https://frasercoast.engagementhub.com.au/hervey-bay-library-administration-centre-inc-disaster-resilience-centre

    Additional background

    The Hinkler Regional Deal for the Bundaberg-Hervey Bay region is an Australian Government initiative in partnership with the local Councils that seeks to build on the area’s strengths to provide economic growth and long-term employment.

  • Why we need the new Library & Admin Building

    There have been a few misunderstandings about the revitalisation of the Hervey Bay City Centre, and the need for a new Library & Admin Building

    We need a new library as the current one is less than half the size it should be to meet national standards.

    A bigger library in a new location means the university can expand, and that means better education outcomes for our local students.

    The new building will include a new council administration centre, providing centralised community services and bringing hundreds of staff together in one location.

    That will be a boost for local businesses and means the current inadequate Council site in Tavistock Street can instead be used for much needed new housing.

    More than three quarters of the new city centre development will be community space, including offices for study and business activities, along with an outdoor public plaza where there could be events, markets, live music, a pop-up cinema, and reading lounges.

    This important project provides a once-in-a-generation opportunity to create jobs, grow the local economy and drive business investment.

    To find out more and read the fact sheets, Q&As, other news updates, the timeline for the project and view our informative videos, visit the page on Council’s Engagement Hub here.

  • Design changes to deliver project within budget

    Changes to the design for the new Hervey Bay Library and Fraser Coast Regional Council Administration Centre will deliver about $5.4 million in cost savings.

    At its December 2022 meeting, Council endorsed the cost savings recommended from a “value management exercise” designed to keep the project within budget while still delivering the economic and social outcomes sought for the community.

    The changes to the project brief include removing one level of basement, minor reductions in the floor plan, modifying the glazing, reducing shade screening and reducing interior finishes.

    While the removal of one level of basement will reduce car parking at the building, Council has already approved the development of a new car park near the existing library and Hervey Bay PCYC, and is continuing to consider additional on street parking options in the area.

    Council is also in discussions with a third party on a joint venture project to deliver a multi-storey car park in the Hervey Bay City Centre.

  • Place Design Group appointed to develop Hervey Bay City Centre Public Realm Strategy

    As part of the implementation of the Hervey Bay City Centre Master Plan, a public realm and place-making strategy is to be developed to provide a vision for public spaces and to establish areas to enhance and activate the new city centre.

    Place Design Group (PDG) has been selected to develop the strategy and to undertake the stakeholder engagement to inform the strategy, with the assistance of the Council’s community engagement team.

    Aspects of the project include establishing areas defined as public realm, streetscape improvements, network planning for active travel and public transport, connectivity, programs for temporary pop-up interventions to challenge and change driver behaviour, embedded cultural and learning functions, crime prevention, and an implementation plan.

    The final public realm and place-making strategy is anticipated to be delivered in the first half of 2023.

  • Builder for Hervey Bay City Centre development appointed

    A national construction company which has developed major government, commercial, health, retail and entertainment projects will be appointed as the building contractor for the next stage of the new Hervey Bay Library and Fraser Coast Regional Council Administration Centre.

    Cr Denis Chapman said the Australian Government was partnering with Council through the Hinkler Regional Deal to build a vibrant community hub in the heart of Hervey Bay.

    “This is a once in a generation opportunity to reshape the Hervey Bay City Centre, to create jobs and drive economic growth and investment,” he said.

    “The appointment of Hansen Yuncken as the building contractor is an important step in the delivery of this project, with detailed design underway now and construction expected to start next year and be completed in 2025.”

    Cr David Lewis said the building would include an expanded library over two levels, a new public plaza, and flexible spaces that could be booked for meetings or events both day and night.

    “The new Library and Council Administration Centre will be a place to support learning and innovation, and a place where the community can come together to socialize and benefit from centralised Council services,” he said.

    “More than three quarters of this development will be dedicated to community space.

    “By improving the library’s floor space and design, we can cater for our growing population and help improve education outcomes in our region.”

    Cr Zane O’Keefe said Hansen Yuncken had a strong track record of delivering major projects, such as the Hervey Bay Hospital Emergency Department redevelopment and the University of Sunshine Coast Moreton Bay Foundation building.

    “Council is using an Early Contractor Involvement model for the delivery of the new Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre,” he said.

    “This means that a building contractor will work with Council and its architects on the final design of the building before submitting a final tender to construct the building.

    “This process helps leverage the builder’s significant experience, reduces risk and ensures we have the most cost-effective design for the building.”

    The Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre (incorporating a Disaster Resilience Centre) is a commitment under the Hinkler Regional Deal.

    The project is estimated to cost around $100 million, and is funded by a $40 million Australian Government commitment through the Community Development Grants Programme, Council’s general revenue, land sales and borrowings.

    The Hinkler Regional Deal for the Bundaberg-Hervey Bay region is an Australian Government initiative in partnership with the local Councils that seeks to build on the area’s strengths to provide economic growth and long-term employment.

    More details about the Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre project is available on Council’s Engagement Hub website at: https://frasercoast.engagementhub.com.au/hervey-bay-library-administration-centre-inc-disaster-resilience-centre.

    Local tradespeople, sub-contractors and suppliers can register their interest in working on the project via the Engagement Hub website.

    Additional background about the Early Contractor Involvement process

    Hansen Yuncken has been selected as the preferred tenderer to assist Council in progressing the design development for the new Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre through an Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) agreement.

    Following completion of the ECI stage and acceptance of the developed design and pricing, Council will enter into a Design and Construct Agreement with either the ECI contractor or an alternative contractor to finalise the design and construct the new building.

  • Separate carpark for staff relocating to the new Library and Admin Building in Hervey Bay to alleviate future demand on city centre car parking

    At its October meeting, Council approved the construction of a staff car park near the Hervey Bay Police-Citizens Youth Club (PCYC) and the existing library.

    The car park will connect to the existing rail trail and provide a direct link to the new Library and Administration Centre site.

    The works will also include a lighting upgrade from the Carpark to the Library and Administration Centre.

    The approved car park and its location is pictured below.

  • Main Street powerlines to be moved underground

    Overhead powerlines and communications cabling down Main Street in Pialba will be moved underground as part of the Hervey Bay City Centre revitalisation.

    Fraser Coast Regional Councillor Denis Chapman said Council was partnering with the Australian Government through the Hinkler Regional Deal to breathe new life and opportunities into the Hervey Bay City Centre.

    “The revitalisation of the Hervey Bay City Centre will transform it into a primary destination, a popular destination, a cultural and creative precinct, with diverse food, dining, social and shopping experiences on offer,” he said.

    “The undergrounding of overhead powerlines aligns with the Hervey Bay City Centre Master Plan that Council adopted earlier this year following extensive community consultation. It is also a key associated project to the new Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre.

    “Moving the powerlines on Main Street between Old Maryborough Road and Torquay Road underground will help visually enhance the main corridor through the Hervey Bay City Centre.

    “It will help pave the way for the new development in the Hervey Bay Centre that will feature a public plaza, a larger library over two levels, flexible community spaces and about 100 underground public car parks.

    “This is a once in a generation opportunity to reshape the Hervey Bay City Centre, to create jobs and drive economic growth and investment.”

    The undergrounding of Main Street powerlines is expected to cost around $2.5 million with the work expected to get underway in early to mid-2023. Council anticipates attracting a state government grant to offset the costs of the project.

    More details about the Hervey Bay City Centre Master Plan is available here - https://frasercoast.engagementhub.com.au/hervey-bay-city-centre-revitalisation-project.

    More details about the new Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre (incorporating a Disaster Resilience Centre) is available at https://frasercoast.engagementhub.com.au/hervey-bay-library-administration-centre-inc-disaster-resilience-centre.

  • Building site for the new Library & Admin Centre displays concept designs

    The existing building on the site for the new Hervey Bay Library & Administration Centre (incl Disaster Resilience Centre) on the corner of Main Street and Torquay Road, Pialba, has been given a temporary upgrade as a pictorial display with a wrap depicting the concept designs for the new building.

    The wrap will remain in place until construction begins, with the sod-turning expected by late-2023.

  • Shortlist for new Hervey Bay City Centre development

    Local tradies, sub-contractors and suppliers interested in working on the new Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre are encouraged to get in touch with the three construction companies shortlisted to build the development.

    Fraser Coast Regional Councillor David Lee said ADCO Constructions, BADGE Constructions and Hansen Yuncken had been shortlisted to progress to the selective tender stage for the project.

    “This is a once in a generation opportunity to reshape the Hervey Bay City Centre, to create jobs and drive economic growth and investment,” he said.

    “The head contractor will ultimately be responsible for organising sub-contractors and doing due diligence before developing any sub-contracting agreements, but now is the time for local businesses to register their interest, with construction expected to start next year and be completed by 2025.

    “The three shortlisted companies will be assessed on local involvement as part of the tender process, so we encourage local businesses interested in working on this project to get in touch with the companies as soon as possible.”

    More information about the project and contact details for the shortlisted companies is available on Council’s Engagement Hub at https://frasercoast.engagementhub.com.au/hervey-bay-library-administration-centre-inc-disaster-resilience-centre in the Project Update section under the heading "The Selective Tenderers to move through to the Stage 2 of the procurement process have been shortlisted". This list is also available on the Local Tradies and Suppliers page here for those hwo have subscribed to "Follow Project".

    Cr Jade Wellings said Council was partnering with the Australian Government through the Hinkler Regional Deal to revitalize the city centre, with a key plank being the construction of the new Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre.

    “The community will be at the core of this new development with an expanded library over two levels, a new public plaza and flexible spaces that can be booked for meetings or events. More than three quarters of the development will be community space,” she said.

    “The project is continuing to move ahead with the concept design recently endorsed by Council and the process for appointing a head contractor now moving to the next stage.”

    Cr Darren Everard said Council was using an Early Contractor Involvement model for the construction of the new Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre.

    “This means that the head contractor will be involved from an earlier stage of the project. This approach aims to save time and costs as the project moves forward,” he said.

    “Council anticipates appointing the head contractor in December.”

    The Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre (incorporating a Disaster Resilience Centre) is a commitment under the Hinkler Regional Deal.

    The project is funded through a combination of Australian Government funding ($40 million), Council’s general revenue, land sales and borrowings, and is estimated to cost almost $100 million.

    The Hinkler Regional Deal for the Bundaberg-Hervey Bay region is an Australian Government initiative in partnership with the local Councils that seeks to build on the area’s strengths to provide economic growth and long-term employment.

  • The Selective Tenderers to move through to the Stage 2 of the procurement process have been shortlisted

    More information will be available on this process shortly.

    The Selective Tenderers to move through to the Stage 2 of the procurement process are:

    Company: ADCO Constructions Pty Ltd

    • Contact name: Jovene Lai
    • Email address: qldtenders@adcoconstruct.com.au

    Company: Badge Constructions (QLD) Pty Ltd

    • Contact name: Darren Wallis
    • Position: Manager Procurement - Qld.
    • Email address: Qld.Tenders@badge.net.au
    • Phone: (07) 3217 000

    Company: Hansen Yuncken Pty Ltd

    • Contact Name: Danielle Jones
    • Position: Estimating Coordinator
    • Email address: djones@hansenyuncken.com.au
    • Phone: (07) 3872 4002
  • Community at core of new Council building

    The community will be at the core of a new development in the Hervey Bay City Centre that will feature a new public plaza, a larger library over two levels and flexible spaces that can be booked for meetings or community events.

    Fraser Coast Regional Council today endorsed the concept design report for the new Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre (incorporating a Disaster Resilience Centre), which will be built on the corner of Main Street and Torquay Road in Pialba.

    The concept design report includes artist’s impressions of the new building and public plaza, outlines the strategy behind the design, and details how the library and office spaces could be fitted out.

    Cr Denis Chapman said Council was partnering with the Australian Government through the Hinkler Regional Deal to improve local economic outcomes, liveability and resilience, with the new Council building to be the “backbone” of the Hervey Bay City Centre revitalisation.

    “In developing a new Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre, we want to create a building that sets the benchmark for business, investors and developers,” he said.

    “The building design has the community at its core with an expanded library over two levels and flexible community spaces that could be used both day and night.

    “A pedestrian link crosses through the site providing a new front door to the parklands in Pialba while a new public plaza will be created in Main Street and about 100 underground public car parks will be provided.

    “More than three quarters of the development will be community space.” Cr Jade Wellings said the current Hervey Bay Library had about 225,000 visitations a year and was only half the size it should be to meet Australian and Queensland library standards.

    “The new Library and Council Administration Centre will be a community hub – a place to support learning and innovation, and a place where the community can come together to socialize and benefit from centralized Council services,” she said.

    “By improving the library’s floor space and design, we can build on our programs, cater for our growing population and help improve education outcomes in our region.”

    Cr David Lee said the building would have a total functional area of about 9000 square metres over five levels and would be designed to sit above a one in 500 year flood. www.frasercoast.qld.gov.au

    “This is a once in a generation opportunity to reshape our city centre in Hervey Bay, to create jobs and to drive economic growth and investment. This will bring hundreds of workers into the Hervey Bay City Centre, which will provide a huge boost to nearby businesses,” he said. “This is about creating a social, economic and cultural heart in Hervey Bay. “We encourage anyone interested in finding out more about this project to visit Council’s Engagement Hub website.” The Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre

    (incorporating a Disaster Resilience Centre) is a commitment under the Hinkler Regional Deal. The project is funded through a combination of Australian Government funding ($40 million), Council’s general revenue, land sales and borrowings, and is estimated to cost almost $100 million.

    The concept design report was prepared for Council by Cottee Parker Architects and Bloc Design, with the overall project being managed by Savills. The Hinkler Regional Deal for the Bundaberg-Hervey Bay region is an Australian Government initiative in partnership with the local Councils that seeks to build on the area’s strengths to provide economic growth and long-term employment.

  • Next steps on the Library & Administration Building (Incorporating Disaster Resilience Centre) Project

    Next steps on the Library & Administration Building (Incorporating Disaster Resilience Centre) Project

    Further progress has been achieved on the Library & Administration Building (incorporating Disaster Resilience Centre) as the project ramps up.

    Savills Project Management continue their role as Program Manager across the Hinkler Regional Deal ensuring consistency and seamless integration of Cottee Parker Architects on the project, who in partnership with local Architect Bloc Design, are leading concept design development.

    A team of design consultants are working on this once in a generation project partially funded by a $40million grant from the Commonwealth Government. The principal objectives are to provide ‘resilience’, ‘economic growth’ and ‘livability’.

    This builds on the work completed prior with the development of the Functional Brief, Urban Design and the recently approved 2021-2041 Hervey Bay City Centre Master Plan. These foundational stages have established clear expectations for the outcomes of the project and set a benchmark which future decisions will be made, while ensuring that outcomes best meet both Community and Council needs and aspirations.

    Council has now begun developing the strategy for engagement of the head contractor as the concept design nears completion. The building is on target to meet its forecasted completion in 2025.

    Engagement Hub will continue to be updated as the project progresses.

  • Opportunities for local contractors with new Council building

    Opportunities for local contractors with new Council building

    Local tradies and sub-contractors are being urged to register their interest in participating in the construction of the new Fraser Coast Regional Council library and administration building in the Hervey Bay City Centre.

    Cr Jade Wellings said while the project was still in the design phase, expressions of interest were currently being sought from head contractors, with construction work expected to start in 2023 and be completed by 2025.

    “Council is partnering with the Australian Government through the Hinkler Regional Deal to improve local economic outcomes and create opportunities in the Hervey Bay City Centre,” she said.

    “In developing a new Hervey Bay Library and Council Administration Centre (incorporating a Disaster Resilience Centre), we want to create a building that sets the benchmark for business, investors and developers.

    “The Library and Council Administration Centre will be a central civic hub where individuals, professionals and families can come to learn, network, socialize and benefit from Council services.”

    Cr Denis Chapman said the project would create more jobs for local people, with tradies and subbies encouraged to register their interest in working on the new Hervey Bay Library and Administration Centre via Council’s Engagement Hub website - https://frasercoast.engagementhub.com.au/

    “Council wants local businesses to help bring the community’s vision for the Hervey Bay City Centre to life,” he said.

    “There is a short online form to fill out to register some details about your business. Council will also be holding information sessions in mid-June for those interested.

    “It’s important to note that registering your interest is not a guarantee of the work, as the head contractor will ultimately be responsible for organising sub-contractors and doing due diligence before developing any sub-contracting agreements.”

    Cr David Lee said the project was a “once in a generation opportunity” to reshape the city centre in Hervey Bay to create jobs, and to drive economic growth and business investment.

    “The development of a new Fraser Coast Regional Council Library and Administration Centre is a key element of the Hervey Bay City Centre Master Plan, which was finalised and adopted by Council earlier this year, following significant community consultation,” he said.

    “This is about being bold and building for the future. It’s about creating a social, economic and cultural heart in Hervey Bay.”

    Cr Wellings said the current Hervey Bay library had about 225,000 visitations a year and was only half the size it should be to meet Australian and Queensland library building standards.

    “By improving our library’s floor size and design, we will have the opportunity to improve and build on our programming, offering excellent learning opportunities and hopefully make a contribution to lifting our region’s overall education standard,” she said.

    “The new library will be more than double the size of the current library with a range of modern, community spaces to ensure we can cater for our growing population over the next 20 years and beyond.”

    The building work will be funded through a combination of Australian Government funding ($40 million), Council land sales and Council borrowings.

    More details about the Hervey Bay Library and Administration Centre incorporating a Disaster Resilience Centre project is available at https://frasercoast.engagementhub.com.au/hervey-bay-library-administration-centre-inc-disaster-resilience-centre

    Additional background

    The Hinkler Regional Deal for the Bundaberg-Hervey Bay region is an Australian Government initiative in partnership with the local Councils that seeks to build on the area’s strengths to provide economic growth and long-term employment.